Monday, October 26, 2009

My Mother Loves You

Just so you know, I just entered my parents' home less than an hour ago (and yet have already managed to consume no less than four chocolate truffles--this is a great place to visit), and my mom told me I had to write to "my faithful." I presume she meant you. I've never considered that term, but I do enjoy the religious cult connotations.


Hi! Here I am! I survived both legs of my journey, plus a mad dash through the Atlanta airport (that place is pure craziness, y'all--ain't no denyin'). AND, I didn't encounter a single person who was coughing or sneezing or generally exhibiting any signs of swine flu.

And here I thought it was a national emergency.


So here I sit in the desert hacienda, socks off, short sleeves, watching my mother prepare soup despite the 85 degree temperature. And back at Blackrock? There are four lamb hides salted down in the barn and I bet the woodstove is going.

I'm good with where I am for now.


Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Lucky you. My kids just came home from school today and said they've got the day off tomorrow. And maybe the next day. And possible one more after that. There are so many teachers out sick they couldn't find enough substitutes.

Can I come to Arizona?

Word verification: domon -- dreadlocks, as in, "That's a nice domon."

Phoo-D said...

Sounds fantastic and oh so warm. Sigh. Say "hello" to your mother for me! =)

MsPicketToYou said...

that's about the cutest thing...

and i don't (just) mean the chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy a well-deserved break for all the labor you do--and all the cold, rainy weather you have endured.

Word verification: gorstok--something you have cooked before with veggies from the garden?

Pat said...

We just arrived in Mesa on Saturday and I agree, it's HOT! LOL!

Enjoy your time with Momma. Eat well. Every time I used to go home to my mom, I would kid her that I'd have to weigh in when I arrived, and weight out when I left, just to see how much I gained!

Beth said...

Glad you had a safe trip. Now let the folks spoil you rotten. Have a great time.

Susan said...

Thanks, Mom!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, your minions who adore you have been waiting for this post...all day, oh queen of blackrock.

word verification - hylati

coffee drink made with weed

Anonymous said...

I want to be in Arizona right now. Actually, I would settle for just being fed some chocolate truffles.

Enjoy your desert vacation! And try not to get lost on your way back through ATL. That place is total insanity (but it has some really good places to eat).