Thursday, October 7, 2010

More Tea

But! I have moved on to the occasional black tea with cream, instead of herb tea with honey. A sure sign of recovery. Good thing, too, as I was so wretched with fever and misery last night that I couldn't even eat the blackberry/apple cobbler the MiL made. And there was even vanilla ice cream. I KNOW. CRAZY.

When I refuse dessert, you know I'm really sick.

However, I had a piece this morning, even though my sense of taste is still not operating at full capacity. Even with diminished flavor it was delicious, though, and I look forward to the time when I can appreciate it properly.

That time has not yet come, sadly, but give me another day or so and I'm sure I'll be plowing through that cobbler with no trouble. If A. leaves me any, that is.


Sara said...

Holy crap, you really ARE sick! I hope your are feeling better and consuming delicious desserts very soon.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should do a couple days of one word posts.... :) Beth

word verification - reeptiv

poor tv reception

Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Jenn just asked for Chinese for lunch today. First time in a week she's actually wanted to eat anything.

Word verification: snollike -- resembling a snol

FinnyKnits said...

Does that ever work out in your house? Because around here there's no mercy. Bubba would eat that whole cobbler because, "What if you don't get better for a while and it goes bad??"

Yeah. Right.

Kay said...

I dedicated a photo of my potatoes to you. See it on my blog here:

Feel better soon!

Mayberry Magpie said...

If you can, squirrel away one little serving of cobbler, then stir it into a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. It's morning heaven in a bowl!