Short version: Roasted chicken pieces, roasted potatoes, frozen corn
Long version: This was one package of separated chicken leg quarters and one of just chicken thighs. Two big packages of chicken is too much for one meal, but I can always find a use for the leftovers, so I just roasted them all.
I made the corn only because I was (still) too lazy to go out to the big freezers to get peas, and the corn was in the freezer over the refrigerator. This resulted in a lively discussion at dinner about vegetables, starches, and how to categorize foods. Some of my family maintains that potatoes are a vegetable--technically true--although I use them as a starch.
I also noted that corn is about the starchiest "vegetable" there is, so really, there were two starches on their plates. Which of course made them all happy.
Short version: Chicken corn chowder, cheese, pumpkin bread
Long version: My mom used to make a tomato corn chowder from her Southern Living cookbook that I loved. This soup was kind of based on that, in that it used lots of basil and sour cream. This version, however, also had chicken, because I had made stock with the bones of the previous night's chicken and had a little meat I had pulled off the bones.
It was a good soup, but I usually try to have something extra on nights when I've made soup from leftover bones. That's why I used the last bag of pureed squash in the freezer to make a double batch of pumpkin bread. Pumpkin bread works as a side to soup, but also it's a pseudo-dessert. I doubled this recipe, except I didn't do the sugar crust on top. That way it was less like a dessert.
Short version: Elk burgers on homemade buns, baked beans, green salad with vinaigrette, cheater's chocolate fondue
Long version: I was baking bread this day, so I made some extra buns and then made the burgers because I had the buns. Cause and effect in the kitchen.
Baked beans--made with some pinto beans I took out of the freezer--instead of oven fries.
I was at a church event in the afternoon with Poppy, and I was very tired when I got home, so I kind of punked out on dessert. I just melted chocolate chips with a bit of coconut oil in the microwave and then offered either two marshmallows or peanut butter cookies to dip in it. They all chose the marshmallows.
Short version: Chicken salad sandwiches, leftover baked beans, carrot sticks
Long version: I had two elk burger patties left, and one bun, so one child got to have a double elk burger. Everyone else had the chicken salad.
Short version: Last-minute chicken slop, pork, mashed potatoes, frozen peas
Long version: I had the pan heated up with fat in it at 6 p.m. to cook the lamb steaks I had taken out to thaw . . . which is when I discovered I had taken out lamb stew meat. Whoops. That's not going to cook quickly. At least, not in an edible fashion.
Plan change!
Luckily, I had been to the store this day, and I got a rotisserie chicken there. So I pulled the meat off that and used the juices, plus thyme, garlic powder, cornstarch, and milk, to make gravy for it. That's the sloppy part.
I had also thawed a random small bag of pork stir-fry pieces, thinking I would use it for dinner the next day. I didn't think there would be enough chicken, however, so I also cooked the pork, just frying it in bacon fat with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika.
I had already made the mashed potatoes, so I just microwaved the peas and ta da! Last-minute dinner in fifteen minutes.