Monday, July 7, 2008

Lowlights and Highlights--Fourth of July Edition

So I repeat myself. So what?

Lowlights of the long weekend:

1) Discovering Friday that my car wouldn't start, despite the $200 starter I had put in two weeks ago. Piece of shit car.

2) Carrying cinder blocks for the chicken coop. Those sumbitches are HEAVY, and they crippled my hand for most of the weekend.

3) Two of the lambs escaping the paddock and getting into my vegetable garden. Little bastards.

4) Attempting to chase Devil Lambs out of my garden, by myself, without causing any damage to my precious, precious plants. Casualty: one bell pepper plant. Rest in peace, my friend.

5) Spraying boiling chicken stock across the kitchen because I am dumb. Then doing it again, because I am REALLY dumb.

Highlights of the long weekend:

1) Realizing that my car wouldn't start because of a loose battery connection, which was easily tightened. I am a mechanical genius.

2) Attending a family cookout Friday night. Someone else cooks and cleans up? SIGN ME UP!

3) Sitting at a bonfire Saturday night, looking up at an incredible number of stars in a perfectly clear sky.

4) Finishing the chicken coop. (Except for the painting--always with the painting.)

5) Managing to finally can the crazy amount of mulberry juice and chicken stock that has been staring at me from the refrigerator for weeks now, and not blowing myself up in the process (except for that minor snafu with the spraying). GO ME!

6) My new friend the garden tote. I anticipate many happy years together.

How was your weekend?


  1. "How was your weekend?" you ask. Let me answer with a question: Did you know that the police now use paintball guns loaded with pepper pellets to break up riots?

    I know this now, because my wife got hit in the foot with one. We happened to be in the line of fire behind one of the fights just before the fireworks started.

    Do they have riots by your lake? And any houses for sale?

  2. I was not aware of that little piece of police trivia, Drew. I bet your wife's foot hurts like a bitch now.

    No, we do not have riots here. People get drunk and stupid, but that mostly manifests itself in blowing their fingers off with illegal fireworks.

    There are some houses for sale on the lake . . . if you have a couple of million dollars. We fear re-assessment.

  3. I totally knew about the pepper pellets, as my main squeeze wears the initials SWAT at times ;) Damn rioters... why were you rioting Drew? :)

    Hurray on the battery, boo on the lambs. Wiping a tear for the pepper plant. And I'll be discussing the canning over at that post. I'm jealous!

  4. She caught a ricochet. It probably hit the ground before it hit her, so she's fine. Pissed off beyond belief, but fine.

    And yes, I am the riot. No, wait ... I am the brute squad.

  5. My weekend was much less uneventful. No riots to be had. I did get to see the President land in Marine One at the White House. That was followed by eating way too much food at a BBQ. I'm still full.

  6. I just can't keep from bragging today, can I.

    I'm a former Marine!! Although I didn't get to see Marine One in person. :(

    Beautiful aircraft though.

  7. i am still recovering, frankly. from the mess and busy-ness and the booze and the chit-chat. I need my down-time yo! Sue me!

    Anyhoo, I cleaned out the chicken coop today -- chicken coop being the kids' bedrooms which had clearly been pelted by paintball guns.

  8. highlight: vacationing in P'town and going whale watching with a friend.

    highlight: discovering a really good soup "Kale soup" wanna try making it at home.

    lowlight: trying to catch up to all the backlog at work. Should have stayed in P'town.

  9. at least yours was interesting!

  10. My weekend? Home improvement (new vent registers and painted until midnight--why does it always take WAAYY longer than anticipated) and also went to the circus. The circus was much more fun. I prefer my farm animals trained and in a ring - no offense. And, thank you above for the P.B. reference...

  11. Your weekend was way more eventful than mine. I was recovering from the Week From Hell so I spent most of it in bed. I slept and slept and slept some more.
    You sure are lovin' that tote, huh? :)
