Friday, August 22, 2008

The Throwdown

Yesterday, the MiL announced her intention of picking up some more pint jars for canning, as we were down to only quart jars. She came home with this.

Oh, it's ON

Because I am highly, and sometimes inappropriately, competitive, I view this as a challenge. Three dozen pint jars are sitting on my dining room table, jeering at me, just DARING me to fill them all. Double dog daring me, even. Those jars don't know who they're dealing with. On my own, I might have some trouble meeting this challenge. But I am not alone. I have the support of five million tomatoes, all of which need a nice, air-tight home before the first frost.

Let the canning begin.


  1. You're training for the Olympics of tomato canning I see. Good luck !

  2. Oh snap. I love those new Ball jars with the silver lids. They're my fave...

  3. moake some of those pickled jalapeno tomatoes i posted the recipe for.... yummy. i know you can do this!

  4. Btw, I tagged you since Jude tagged me. Come on over to find out with what.

    And no, it's not ebola.

  5. This would be a dream come true for me.

    Totally a challenge. A challenge that, at its end, has a huge stack of tomatoes canned and ready for winter.

