Saturday, December 13, 2008

Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men?

More like "Peace at Blackrock, Goodwill Toward All Animals Around the Woodstove."

Season's greetings from Pitty Pet, Belle, and Leda the Headless Dog.


  1. At least your chair is pre-warmed!


  2. I'm surprised the cats aren't in the same chair together to maximize body heat. Our two cats spend the winter attached like Siamese (cat) twins.

  3. That is adorable and I grieve for Leda's head. It's supposed to be really cold and gross here tomorrow. I think I'll work hard today so that tomorrow I can Pull A Pitty Pet.

  4. Yup. This is what we call "Happy Family Time" at our house, when we're all squeezed into one tiny part of our teeny house.

    And since the fireplace was the only warm spot over the weekend, that's where we all were. Trying not to choke each other.

  5. Oh my, I think I have Pity Pet's twin. I'm going to have to post a picture of my Lazy Boy. (He's quite a recliner, lol.)
