Thursday, June 4, 2009

Freakish Sea Creatures--They're What's for Dinner!

I may have given you the impression here that A. can't cook. That's not actually true. He can cook, he just hasn't in awhile. He used to cook sometimes when he was in law school and I was working full-time. His specialities were stuffed meat and fried meat. Sometimes stuffed AND fried at the same time. Not so much with the vegetables. The whole idea of a "balanced meal" kind of slides by him.

Anyway, he hasn't been cooking because he's been working 10 hours a day and I've been home, so food was my responsibility. But now that he's quit his job and is home (surprise!), he can cook again. And what did he choose to cook on his first foray into the kitchen in about three years?

Help me, Jesus.

In case your Disgusting Seafood Identification skills are a little rusty, allow me to help you: that's a whole octopus. Thankfully, minus the head, but still. Whole. Intact. Long tentacles still attached to the body and everything. And you can't see it, but one of those tentacles actually wrapped around a wooden spoon that was in the sink. When A. lifted the thing for this photo, the spoon rose up with the octopus. OH MY GOD. I can only assume it was an involuntary contraction, because the thing was definitely dead. I only know that because it, uh, didn't have a head and all.


So A. bought this whole octopus at the regular old grocery store like three months ago, along with some salt cod and dried calamari or something. The dried calamari he ate. The salt cod I actually cooked with. The octopus . . . well, the octopus sat there in the freezer, because neither the MiL nor I wanted anything to do with it. And A. wasn't cooking. But now he is! So let's have the octopus for dinner! YAY!

So here's what he did: He boiled the whole thing in a pot of water for a couple of hours. Then he drained it, cut it into chunks, dipped the chunks into egg and then seasoned flour, and deep-fried the chunks in lard and canola oil.

Actual words that came from A.'s mouth during this process:

1) "Hey, cool. It's writhing around in the water. Come look!" (And then I said, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?")

2) "Huh. It's turned the water purple." (And then I said, "STOP TELLING ME THESE THINGS IF YOU WANT ME TO EAT THIS.")

Oh God.

Also of note was that while A. was cutting the octopus into chunks, one of the tentacles fell on the kitchen floor and Mia wouldn't eat it. Mia will eat ANYTHING that falls on the floor--raw onion, lemons, possibly coins. Belle the Devil Cat, however, DID eat it. I tried not to see those as ominous signs.

But in the end, it was . . . not bad. I'm not a seafood person, so I didn't love it, but it wasn't overpoweringly fishy-tasting. It was fairly tender, because of the boiling before the frying. I didn't so much dig the texture of the little sucker things from the tentacles, but all in all, could've been worse. A. and the MiL agreed that it tasted like fried clams, but more tender and a little sweeter. So. Yeah. Purple water aside, pretty good.

We also had hush puppies, made from a recipe from this cookbook, that were YUUUUM. And a green salad, because there are three lettuce beds in the garden that are attempting to stage a coup and take over. But the octopus was the real star of the show, of course.

So, who wants to come for dinner next time A. cooks?


  1. You are a better woman than I am. I would not have been able to eat it after all of that. Then again, I can't eat steak if someone moos at me.

  2. Huh, never knew A could cook. Now where did he learn to cook octopus?

  3. I love that even Mia would eat the octopus! I'm big on texture, and the little suckers definitely gross me out. Still, I'm proud of you for trying it!

  4. 1) awesome picture.
    2) A. quit his job? Please congratulate him on behalf of the interwebs.
    3) A. might be a little like my dad. When we were traveling he always liked to order things no one could translate. I especially remember the tripe. If he were still alive, he would love to come to dinner the next time A. cooks.

    The tripe was not the cause of his demise, btw.

  5. Thank you for your kind invitation. I, however, will not be done gagging by then.

  6. I bow down before the master.

    I consider myself a very adventurous cook and eater but concede defeat after this post. There's no way in hell I would ever cook that! I would likely try it if served to me... but after watching it grab a spoon, oh man. That takes a stomach of steel.

  7. Good to know you are independently wealthy enough for A. to quit his job. :) Congrats. Now that he is a gentleman farmer, with all this spare time he can cook. Yes, ma'am I am in on the octupus....or anything anyone else is cooking........I am tired of cooking all the time.

  8. Fearless chef! I love it!

    Now, I being a seafood-loving gal, *would* like something like that, but the fact that Mia wouldn't eat it literally made me laugh OUT LOUD.

    Not like a fake "oh, hehe LOL" kind of internet lie, but a real "HA! Hehehehehe!" kind of laugh that made the dog look up at me from the floor.

    Awesome job, A.

  9. Wait a minute. I missed something. When did A quit his job? What happened? Never mind the lovely dinner - give me the details. Well, ok, the dinner details were good but I'm talking the job. I'm feeling a little queasy right night so I'm going to lie down.

  10. It takes alot to give me the willies when it comes to food, but a headless octopus grabbing and holding a spoon & that purple water....well, that did it?

    I like calamari but I think I'll stick with less aggressive dead sea creatures, like shrimp and scallops.

  11. You guys have octopussies (sorry, but how do you make that word plural?) in your back yard, too? Wow. :)

  12. I love you and A's conversations...and whereas I would have tried it, it might have been strictly to be polite. Then Belle could have the rest of my share.

  13. I don't know about trying that. I probably would to be polite.... But since watching Monster Quest (giant octopus) I'm a wuss when it comes to that creature. I did try to make squid once, used my brand new WOOD cutting board for the slicing job, needless to say it was ruined. Don't let A near the wood cutting board when cooking creepy, crawly things from the ocean.

  14. I had to scroll down quickly to get the purple water image off my screen. Octopus is just one place I cannot go.

    I'm still trying to shake the thought.... eeek!


  15. i'm so incredibly hungry at this moment -- mozzarella stick, chicken wings --

    um dude.

  16. Daughter and I just ate some octopus on Thursday ourselves, at a sushi restaurant to celebrate the last day of school.

    Um, so did I miss the memo about A. quitting his job? What happened?

  17. There is so much I could say about this post but I won't because I'm frankly a tad impressed you're both so courageous. (BUT IT'S FREAKY nonetheless).

    However, I do want to point out this is the first time I've seen your kitchen sink and I'm so, so, envious. I've been shopping for reprodcution wall-mounted farmhouse sinks on the internet and now I see you have AN AUTHENTIC ONE. Damn you. I always knew I loved Blackrock, but now I'm just a goner.

  18. I thought he was holding afterbirth in that picture. Oops. Nope. Something more disgusting.
