Sunday, October 18, 2009

There Goes My Girlish Figure*

I woke up this morning with a definite urge for pancakes. But that posed a problem. See, A. has been the designated pancake-maker in our house for many years, but lately, he's been gravitating more toward crepes. Crepes are okay smothered in lots of sour cream and strawberry jam, but crepes are . . . eggy. And . . . thin. Definitely not pancakes. Thick, puffy pancakes, soaking in obscene quantities of butter and maple syrup. YUM. I knew what I wanted, and I knew also that A. would not want them and I would have to make them myself. And then eat them myself.

I made the basic recipe in the "Better Homes and Gardens" cookbook. It's supposed to serve four. I meant to just cook some of the batter and leave the rest in the refrigerator for another day. Instead, I cooked and ate all of it. By myself.

Excuse me now while I collapse on the couch in a carbohydrate-induced coma.

* Okay, in truth my girlish figure has already been compromised by this whole gestating thing. But I can't think gluttonous quantities of pancakes help.


  1. For me it's french toast. I can't make it like they do at resturants so I have to go out to get my fix.

  2. omg. you so sound like me when I was preggers. There is nothing quite like being able to justify gluttony as a pregnancy craving. Thank goodness my main craving was watermelon. I must have eaten two dozen watermelons before it was over and not those little single serving things they grow nowdays. And 30 years ago it was not easy getting watermelon in November.

  3. uh, thanks for that. Now I think I'm make a big stack of buttermilk pancakes this morning. But I'm not as ambitious as you are though. Aunt Jemima's "Complete" pancake mix will do just fine. And bacon. Yes. Gotta have some bacon with those pancakes. mmmmmm.....

    Diets ALWAYS start on Mondays, right? LOL!

  4. That's too funny. When one of my friends was pregnant she would always say (Gracie was her baby's name), "Gracie wants another ____________" Gracie was particularly fond of biscuits.

    I may be with A on this one, I prefer crepes filled with yogurt & fruit. But of course I don't particularly like pancakes or things smothered in syrup, I don't like sweet things. Mr Chiots would be with you on that one, he's a sugar lover.

  5. That's the same recipe I use, and it is PERFECTION.

  6. When I was pregnant with Parker, Doug and I often ate lunch together at a little diner near my office (and this is important, they served breakfast all day). After eating a burger and fries, or a reuban, or some other similar diner fare, I would order a short stack of pancakes for dessert. And eat the whole thing BY MYSELF. Man, pregnancy was hard on the figure.

  7. ok, so if this is going to be a pregnancy thing, you should know about the shake and pour. It's in the pancake aisle. It's a yellow bottle with a dark blue cap. You add water to the line, shake, pour, voila.

  8. There is not better excuse than being pregnant for eating all the pancakes...or all the m & m's or the marshmallows or...never mind...I would not know anything about any of this! Kim
