Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm Ready for Some Cooing

So I have this book: "What To Expect the First Year." It is all about, predictably, the first year of a baby's life. There's a chapter for each month, with a list of milestones your baby should hit that month. You know, like lifting his head, rolling over, focusing on faces. That sort of thing.

Cubby is pretty much ahead of the game for everything physical. Like, WAY ahead of the game. I don't just feed the kid--I wrestle with him while he whips his head around and lunges. Hence his nickname of Cobra.


The milestones I am starting to really look forward to are the smiling and cooing ones. It would be nice if he did something in his waking hours* other than eat or thrash wildly and scream when he's not eating. So far, those are the two options. Well, we do have occasional quiet periods of fascination with bright lights, but mostly, it's eating or agitating to eat. Some smiling would be nice. Cooing would be great. I hardly dare to think ahead to the days when he might actually play.

A heady thought, indeed.

But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. For now we'll just work on getting him to close his mouth long enough to smile.

It might be awhile . . .

* Lest I complain too much, however, I must admit the kid does sleep a fair bit for his age. He slept from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. last night, and then from 2:30 a.m. until 5 a.m. Which is really pretty good. So I have to give him props for that.


  1. Hope he sleeps all night for you soon. My mom said I slept all night
    from the second night they brought me home from hospital. Maybe you should let him get hungrier if you have to wrestle him to feed. :)Every babe is different . Hey, I don't know a thing about babes...just thinking in the animal world. Beth. I too
    was hoping for a smiley picture of cubby. Good thing he is working on his muscles ...momma shall have him hoeing and weeding before the year is out. :)

    word verification dewera

    the plague of dew on the ground for years

  2. Hee! Hi, Cubby!

    The first time Sadie cooed, I nearly broke my foot running to capture the moment on the video camera. It's awesome. (And so freaking cuuuuute.)

  3. You're doing really well if he is sleeping that long at night - both of mine slept through the night entirely around 7 weeks. And I think nursing babies take longer to sleep through the night. Tyler would nurse continuously all. evening. long. every evening from 5-9 - talk about tiring:) Good luck on the cooing

  4. That's got to be a yawn! Right! right? maybe. . .

  5. If that picture had a thought balloon, it would say, "Hey Mom. There's supposed to be something in there. You know what it is. How 'bout it?"

    Word verification: platies -- what Cubby will eat his veggies off of

  6. Love the wide open shot! He looks like he's going to be a robust and strong kid! Hooray for solid chunks of sleep.

  7. Wild props for Cubby! That's some darn fine sleeping.

  8. Love the photo - made me laugh at work for 2 minutes straight!

    He's an eater....just like his family...


  9. We'll pray for a sleep-through-the-night. Then we can start worrying about all that other stuff. As for right now, let your friends coo over him to show him how it's done! :)

  10. Darn, that Cubby is adorable! It'll be so much fun to share his cuteness and his milestones.

  11. I can't wait until he can fit into those camo booties with the deer heads on 'em, cuz I wanna see a picture o' that!
