Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ingenuity Is Ever My Watchword

Yesterday we established that Cubby is a great fan of his chariot, and will happily wheel around in it for hours. I discovered last night that I can take advantage of this to get things done, if I'm very flexible and strong.

A. and the MiL were both gone last night and there were horrendous mounds of dishes sitting around in the kitchen, taking up all the available counter space and driving me nuts. I couldn't wait for anyone to come home to do them or take Cubby while I did them. And Cubby was somewhat disgruntled and unhappy unless he was moving in his chariot. But I couldn't do dishes and push his chariot at the same time.

Or could I?

I discovered that if I balanced on my left leg and jiggled the chariot back and forth with my right leg, both hands would be free to do dishes. And later, fold laundry, when I employed the same technique.

My legs are kind of sore today, though.


  1. You could also employ a dog to pull the chariot. Then it would really be a chariot. COOL.

  2. Heh, speaking of dogs, we haven't heard much about big sister Mia lately. Is she being good?

  3. it is amazing the muscles that you find when a baby is around isn't it? for the longest time I thought I had a bruise on the side of my arm,(and couldn't figure out how it got there) only to have my husband finally point out that is probably from holding a baby on that side all the time.... :)

  4. Is this one of those mommy workouts I've heard about?

    You're going to get some strong quads with that kind of activity :)

  5. I can just envision it! Motherhood is the necessity of invention. Really.
