Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Night Moves

I'm a morning person. Given the choice, I'll always plan my day so everything possible gets done in the morning. Afternoon is acceptable, but not preferable. But after dinner? Forget it. I want to be finished with all my chores by dinner time and then collapse.


The luxury of planning my days this way went out the window with the arrival of the little dictator. He sleeps quite a bit during the day, but he doesn't yet have an actual schedule. Which means I can't count on long stretches of time to accomplish big projects during the day. But I CAN count on him going to bed for the night at 7 p.m., which then gives me at least a couple of hours of daylight to work in the garden, mow the dog pen, trim the forsythia, and all of the endless other outdoor chores I don't always get to during the day. It's not my ideal time to get work done, but I'll take it.

So tell me, duckies: Are you an AM or a PM worker, given the choice?


  1. Given the choice? I'd have a crew of Swedish bikini models with degrees in horticulture for the yard work, and ninja-geisha-nudists for the house work.

    Given the choice.

    Word verification: woryqd -- Latin for "concerned, obviously"

  2. I'm a morning person all the way. If I lived alone I'd get up at 5am in the summer and get a bunch of things done before taking a nap at 10am.

  3. I work when I have the energy. Heck , I'd even go with Drew's idea...I'm not picky. Beth

    word verification 'accal'

    female jackal

  4. I'm both (but not too early). I like to work in the morning and work in the evening. I only work outside in the afternoon if it's cool.

  5. I like to get all the heavy lifting done in the morning, finish up what's left in the afternoon, and then after dinner, it's time to kick back with a beer. Ahhhh!

  6. I used to be a night person--sleeping until 10 am and active until 1 or 2 am. But now, I think so much better in the morning. By afternoon, I can hardly remember my name. And in the evening, I can get a second wind but usually am a zombie. But that can be seasonable too. Who can sleep in when the sun shines in your face at 5:30 am?

  7. Oh, I'm definitely a night owl ... always have been :-)

  8. I used to be a night person, hands down, but now I'm so freaking tired in the PM, it's a struggle. Unfortunately, though, there's so much that has to be done in the evening - mostly because we're gone all day & nighttime is when the baby person is asleep, and therefore not trying to scale the dining room chairs while I clean the kitchen.

  9. I'd like to be an a.m. person - and I can make myself if I must. But usually p.m.

  10. Completely an afternoon person. I hate getting up before 10 AM. Which means I hate every morning. Except for Saturday.

  11. I do better in the morning, given the choice. During the school year I get everything set out at night, though, so I can sleepwalk through the basic morning routine. Then, after coffee, I start getting work done.

  12. Absolutely a morning person. Alarm goes off at 4:45 a.m. every day, and I'm up by 5:15. By 2:00 p.m. the brain is finished for the day. Unfortunately I'm still working at one or the other of my jobs at 2:00 p.m. Oh, well.

  13. I prefer to hire out for any labor.

    But since I'm not wealthy I prefer to get all chores done at either end of the day while the sun is less intense.
