Saturday, September 11, 2010


That's me, breathing a sigh of relief because it was 50 degrees when I went outside this morning. I had to put a long-sleeved shirt over my tank top. And I'm wearing long pants. And socks. And I am NOT SWEATING.

The joy is overwhelming. And I'm not even kidding.


  1. Amen, sister ! Beth :)

    word verification 'nymatel'

    new york division of knock off toy store, of course

  2. Had the exact same response this AM. Had to grab a jacket to go the the farmers market. Wearing socks for the first time since March. I am sure the novelty will wear off, but for now, yes, indeed, Ahhhhh.

  3. Actually slept with all the windows open last night for the first time in months too! And it was 62 outside when I awoke. I agree...Ahhhhh

  4. You'll miss the heat when it's early June and it's still snowing.

  5. We're still sweltering down here in the damn south. Last night at a football game, the players puked from heat exhaustion and an EMT had to attend to an overheated fan. My friend said "There's not one inch of my body that isn't soaked in sweat." So, happy happy you. We're still miserable.

    PS Thanks for the kind note about my mom. We're miserable from the heat and still sad :-( Fall can't come too soon.

  6. SSSOOOOOO jealous. The air is still like soup here.
