Friday, December 3, 2010


I had two things I was considering telling you this morning. They couldn't sensibly be combined into a coherent post, as they have no relation to each other. And they're both equally insignificant and inconsequential. So I decided to just throw them both at you. Double the randomness for your pleasure!

1) Yesterday all three adults in the house bathed and I did a load of Cubby's laundry. The result of this was no hot water by the afternoon. And when I say no hot water, I mean not even lukewarm water. I had to boil two pots of water on the stove so I could give Cubby a bath without him getting hypothermia, grumbling the whole time about what is this, 1850? And then I had to do a HUGE amount of dishes by continuously boiling pots of water for the wash water and the rinse water. More grumbling. Somewhere around pot #4, I announced to the household at large that this was a STUPID WAY TO DO DISHES. But the MiL was gone and A. was upstairs, so there was no one to hear my complaints except Mia. She was unsympathetic.

2) I don't like to eat sweet things in the morning. This is because I put sugar in my coffee and I have this thing about eating something sweet after drinking something sweet. The thing being that I don't like it. I have to cleanse my palate with something salty. It occurred to me this might be a little weird as I was eating a palate-cleansing pickle at 8:30 a.m., between my oatmeal with brown sugar and my sweetened coffee. And no, I am not pregnant.

And a bonus #3 . . .

3) I can't get my computer to connect to the wireless network at the moment, so I'm writing this on A.'s office computer. The keyboard is at a different height and I've made like a hundred typos already. Annoying.

Waitwaitwait! A surprise #4!

4) I just this minute got a phone call from the local feed store letting me know that A.'s 100 pounds of custom-mixed sheep feed is ready for pick-up. I never in my life thought I would be getting phone calls about sheep feed.

There! Aren't you glad I decided to share all of that with you? Happy Friday!

Any randomness you would like to share with me and the rest of the class today?


  1. Randomness? How 'bout this:

    I used to clip my fingernails maybe once every two or three weeks. They just didn't need it any more than that.

    But I just did them last Friday -- I know because I did it while on a conference call -- and already I need to do them again.

    Do fingernails grow faster as you get older?

    Word verification: auctst -- the most auct of several auct things.

  2. Drew, I have read that fingernails grow faster when you are pregnant.
    Is there something you need to tell us? Beth

    word verification-sessedu

    learning about sess

  3. Here's a random comment or two. My word verification is "imple," just short of how I now long for my life to be, "simple." And, another thought, speaking of yogurt. Why do I like only one kind now, red raspberry, regardless of the others I try out periodically and reject. Does one's taste narrow as one ages? Finally, what gives with college students who request a letter of recommendation two years after you had them in class! I teach about 100 students per year and figure that this most recent request comes from a student 200 names and faces behind. Or is it just that my memory is fading? Mary in MN

  4. I think pregnant women's nails grow faster mostly because of prenatal vitamins, so perhaps Drew just started taking a new vitamin or eating nutrient-rich foods?

    And I do the palate-cleansing thing for sweet stuff, too, only I prefer water to something salty. When I used to go to coffee houses, I would have to get water in addition to my coffee and scone or whatever. So I would sit there alternating my two drinks and everyone always looked at me funny. I am the same at home- if I eat a piece of cake or something, it is always accompanied by a big glass of water. My sister thinks this is weird.

  5. I've resorted to boiling water in order to refresh a bath tub that had gone lukewarm after I depleted an entire apartment complex's hot water supply with my enormous bath.

    It sucked and ruined the relaxation of the bath and I'm not allowed back at those apartments ever. Fine.

    I agree with you that it's the lamest thing to be boiling water for any occasion other than to, say, make tea - because it is, in fact, NOT 1850.

    Yikes. Sorry, you.

    Random thing: I want to move into my down jacket and the fact that I'm back in the office today without it, makes me want to go home to our cold house and put it on.

  6. I feel so informed!

    Ummm...I love literature except at finals time?

  7. I showed our cat's cremains to two little kids yesterday. (They asked.)
