Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday: Sunny; fifty degrees; melting snow; snowdrops poking up through the sodden soil; Cubby stomping around on the lawn in his new shoes.

Today: No sun to be seen; 25 degrees; blowing snow; snowdrops covered up in an inch of snow; Cubby stomping around the living room in his socks.

Upstate New York in February: It's a crapshoot.


  1. Spring was brief this year, yes?
    Wasn't it great to be out in it?Beth
    Leaves us to know it won't be long till we see it in full force.

  2. If you don't like the weather around here, stick around. It will change. I, for one, can't wait to put away my heavy coats and winter boots for this year. It's been a long, hard winter in Western New York.

  3. You know what I like most about your blog? You post almost every single day and it's not cutesy, hyper try-to-be-funny, and it's interesting, AND I have no IDEA how you can live in those conditions!

    I've been reading for about a year (anon) but I always look forward to it, especially the updates on Cubby and the animals. Wish you would post more pics, even if you are the self proclaimed "world's worst photographer".

    Ok, now I have to run your nose in your weather, but here in coastal NC it is absolutely GORGEOUS and 76degrees.

    Love your blog,
    Sandy Shoes

  4. Oops, I meant rub, but run might work in your cold weathe!


  5. yeah, over here it was 62 degrees and that was not good for my snowfort. today it's 15 degrees and i had a heck of a time rpairing some of the structural damage.

    what a difference a day makes.

    i won't be able to really fix it until we have several days in a row where it's mid-thirties late afternoon and cold at night.


  6. And a blizzard on the way - at least here. 12 inches predicted, with ice and wind and power losses.

    I'm bringing in firewood in case the furnace quite. I baked bread tonight, too.
