Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Photos

This Friday morning, for your entertainment, I have unloaded all the random photos that have collected on my camera from the past week. I will, of course, now share them with you because I'm the sharing type.

You are most welcome.

So! Let's start with the least-cute photo. Here we have a picture of the parsnips I dug up. With a pen for scale, because DAMN those are some ENORMOUS parsnips.

Has someone been giving these parsnips growth hormone? Really now.

Next! And significantly cuter than mutant parsnips! A. and I went down to the beach yesterday with Cubby to enjoy the crrrrazy warm weather. Cubby looked very small next to the vast lake and his burly daddy.

Small? Yes. Timid? No.
"Behold, my kingdom," says the prince. Or maybe, "Enough with the camera already, Mom."

And moving away from Cubby, adorable though he may be, to MORE adorableness. I KNOW! It never stops!


Total lamb count: Five--three girls, two boys. And four ewes left to deliver.

And there you have it, poppets! Happy random photo Friday!


  1. Cute babies all around.

  2. Good job, Donnie! Mary in MN

  3. Love it! Cuteness everywhere (well except the parsnips, those are rather ugly =) ).

  4. Cubby's hair looks like he's trying out a rapper style, or possibly English punk. So cute, just like the baby sheep! I'm sure Cubby's sides will fluff out, just like the sheep will become nice and fluffy again.

  5. So is Mother Merino nursing yet?

    Word verification: anglyma -- part of the brain responsible for fishing

  6. Yes, the Merino and her baby are all good now. The MiL milked her for a couple of days (the MiL is a really good milker--a skill from her childhood that apparently has the staying power of riding a bike) and A. fed the lamb the milk with a bottle. The mother had a blocked duct and maybe mastitis, so the pain was making her shy away from the lamb nursing. All better now, though.
