Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One of Those Days

It's raining. Again. Cubby is teething. Again. And already this morning Mia knocked my full cup of coffee off the table and onto the rug.

There are just some days that prove to be not worth getting up for. I think this is one of them.


  1. Try putting his blue spoon in the refrigerator or even the freezer. Chewing on it when it's cold might be soothing.

  2. The only solution is to go back to bed and start over again. Mary in MN

  3. Harder to go back to bed with a toddler around, isn't it? Hugs to both of you.

  4. As long as you hadn't already Irished up your coffee, I'd say the day isn't a total loss.

    If you had - call it off and go back to bed.
