Thursday, September 29, 2011


We ate the squirrels last night from A.'s most recent hunting expedition. They were combined with a very old rabbit that has been in the freezer since last spring to make hasenpfeffer. Except with the squirrels I guess it would be hasen-squirrelpfeffer?

Whatever, I dumped our random dead wildlife in the Crock-Pot with a bottle of red wine and some spices and called it good. And it was good. Of course. You really can't go wrong with that much wine.

However. Since yesterday was somewhat sultry despite being ALMOST OCTOBER HELLO, I put the Crock-Pot out in the shop to do its thing, so it wouldn't heat up the kitchen. Also in the shop? The two squirrel hides that A. salted and laid out on a board to dry. The gustatory enjoyment of such a dish is not much improved by confronting the splayed-out skins of one of the main ingredients every time one must enter the chamber of horrors to check on the food component of the animals.

Welcome to my life.


In addition to eating some rodents last night, I finally (FINALLY) finished canning pears. The grand total (this is where you do a drumroll on your desk, if you wish to be kind of lame and also irritate your co-workers) . . . 54 quarts. That's right. A five and a four.

That is, indeed, a shitload of pears.

Now I just have to make and can some green tomato chutney--Cubby is a great fan of it on his corn tortilla with cheese--and do some more pickled jalapenos. Plus snap the ends off of approximately 80 million green beans and then blanch them and freeze them. And blanch and freeze the chard. And then, maybe, I'll be finished with the food preservation for the season.

Or maybe I'll be offered five tons of free apples again and spend October giving myself arthritis in the hands making applesauce. You just never do know what fun might await in the kitchen.


  1. You've got me looking at squirrels in a whole new way.
    That IS a **** load of pears.

  2. Okay, so this is where I beg for the green tomato chutney recipe. That sounds great and I have a shitload of green tomatoes downstairs!

  3. My hands and wrists get achy just reading about the pears. Even after the Alaskan experience, I still can't wrap my head around your culinary experiences. Having an open mind is a good thing when it comes to food - I think.

  4. So, I had to look up the German word for squirrel. It's Eichhörnchen. So that would be Hassen/Eichhörnchenpeffer. Just in case you needed to know. Eichhörnchen would literally be acorn eater, I think.

    By the way, I'm betting on the s**tload of apples.

  5. I have a really good apple butter recipe, if you want it. Better than your average apple butter...and apple butter muffins(a different recipe), yummmmmmmy. Beth

  6. Love this post. Squirrels, German food, pears out the ying-yang... it's just good stuff.

  7. Wow. 54? Now will you eat all of them or will you give them as gifts?

    And if squirrel hunting were only legal here I'd be out there now. I don't think the neighbors would be very happy if I got out there with a gun.
