Monday, October 17, 2011

This Is Not Goodbye

I couldn't really figure out how to say this, so maybe I'll just, uh, say it: I think I'm done posting every single day come hell, high water, or a child who refuses to nap.

I don't want this to become an obligation. And that's what it feels like when it's two o'clock in the afternoon and I finally get Cubby to sleep for 45 minutes and I have gallons of jalapenos to pickle and dishes to do and I haven't eaten lunch but wait! I haven't posted yet either! SHIIIIIT.

That's how I'm starting to feel. I don't like that, I don't want that, so I'm just giving you a fair warning that there may be days when I'm not here. It doesn't mean I've been attacked by a rabid raccoon and rushed to the hospital or fallen into the cistern, it just means . . . I didn't post. Because life gets in the way.


And now! I would like to tell you that I went to see the re-make of Footloose on Saturday night. By myself, because Cubby can't sit for ten minutes, much less two hours; the MiL is much too cultured for such a movie; and A. would rather make both his thumbs explode with a hammer than sit through two hours of teenage angst and dancing. And, uh, apparently I have no friends.

Anyway. I'm a big fan of the original Footloose. I mentioned that last time I watched it, I realized that I have most definitely become an Adult since the last time I had seen it. And this new version? Well, holy shit, it just made me feel OLD. Not just because the original was so long ago and I remember it (and own it), but because the crowd in the theater was so young, I had no idea who any of the young actors in the movie were, and I find myself less and less patient with teenage shenanigans now.

Yup, old. For sure. But not so old that I'm not entertained by a movie put out by MTV. And entertainment is really all I ask for.


  1. Hey, it's OK. I've offered wondered how you and folks like you manage to keep up with posting so often. I don't have kids or a homestead and I can barely manage twice a week. It'll be good for you to avoid feeling obligated to do this on top of everything else. :-)

    PS: My captcha was "porbarf"... oh dear.

  2. Oh dear. Take care of yourself, dear Kristin, but for some of us you are the only reliable and sane human contact in each day! Not to make you feel guilty and responsible for a cult of pathetic loser-introvert-followers...

    Life goes on.

    Thanks for the constancy.


  3. I would rather see you cut down than stop completely which is what happens when what should be fun becomes yet another task.

  4. I don't think we would've worried as much if you hadn't mentioned the death of the young girl in the same breath you mentioned Cubby not feeling well again. :)
    I kinda look at your blog as something Cubby will have fun reading when he gets cool to have a record of how you grew up and for his kids and grandkids and so on. Like a diary.
    Every day has to be very hard for you. As long as your faithful followers know :) We won't be concerned that it is a life and death situation keeping you from posting....just a life situarion.
    Good for you life is for living....and enjoying and if you aren't enjoying it that isn't right for you.
    Now if you decide to go for a month or more and not post...maybe you could mention that. ;) Beth

  5. Don't post it if you're not feeling it. There's nothing worse than phoning it in.

  6. I would have gone with! I'm always up for a "good" movie! And, good for you - as Jodi would say, you're only one woman.

  7. The real Footloose was the first movie I ever saw in a theater and remains one of my all-time favorites. I had a hard time not wanting every song played at my wedding reception. I'm not sure I want to see the remake but I'm glad to hear you had a night out to enjoy a little free time!

  8. Thank you for the warning. We totally would have been checking the cistern.

  9. I'm right there with you. I can't imagine how challenging it is to keep up a once daily posting. I struggle with once a week right now.

  10. Gosh, lately I'm down to once a week, if I'm lucky, so don't feel bad! Life happens, as do children who do not nap. Posting when you WANT to can be quite liberating.

  11. I have oft wondered how you kept it up and simply assumed you were robo-woman.

    Good to know you are human. We should never get to the point that we regard something fun as a chore.



    It's really a tragedy that you and I don't live closer because I'd TOTALLY have gone with you.

    I just watched the original version on cable the other day and, yeah, makes me feel old. But also, makes me feel glad that the fashions of the 80s are gone. Kevin Bacon in those tight high water jeans? Blech.

    Though I do love him.

    I must go look into this remake. Which I, too, will likely see alone. Bubba would rather eat a theater chair than sit on one and watch this thing.
