Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mighty Mighty Pleasin', Pappy's Apple Squeezin'*

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so today is a kind of Friday, right? Right! So let's talk about alcohol.

Specifically, let's talk about A.'s hard cider, which did indeed, uh, harden in the bucket and morph from innocent, innocuous sweet cider to nasty, alcoholic, disgusting hard cider.

Okay, so I'm not a fan of real hard cider**. But A. and the MiL, both of whom have some experience with real hard cider, have pronounced it good. Which means that A. now has six gallons of alcohol (SIX! GALLONS!) that he made for free (FREE!).

Now he just has to keep himself from drinking like a gallon a day because, you know, it's there and it was free. It's a challenge.

He's started drawing it off into screw-top bottles to further ferment and get all bubbly. So stay tuned for how that works. Maybe all the bottles will blow up from over-carbonation! You just never do know.

* For the many of you who probably have no idea about the song I'm referencing in the title, please go here for a video. For those of you who did get the reference? You're my kind of people. And you should also view the video. It's pretty awesome.

** I use the word "real" to distinguish it from commercial hard cider, like Woodchuck*** or something, which bears about as much resemblance to real hard cider as grape juice does to red wine.

*** HA! I just now registered the humor in that name. This stuff that A. made is authentic woodchuck cider. Woodchuck in the Blackrock sense, that is.


  1. You all need to bring some of it down in a few weeks....we will just keep it on the down low so that the commonwealth that I live in doesn't have a hissy fit with transporting cider into it!

  2. Childhood is made much more memorable by things that explode. I hope the hard cider works out for Cubby.

  3. I got it immediately and now White Lightnin' is stuck in my head! lol

  4. Um, do I get extra points for knowing what song that was andandand having a six-pack of Woodchuck hard cider in my fridge right now? Or do I lose points for my grape juice cider?

    And Glenda? I'm totally stealing that quote because it is awesome!
