Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Stubborn Survivors

Last night as I was finishing up the dishes, I noticed the tomatoes sitting on the mantle in the kitchen.

That's right. Tomatoes. From the garden. Two tiny Roma tomatoes that have been sitting in the kitchen since the end of September. I sort of forgot about them. One of them is kind of wrinkly, but they show no signs of rot or anything.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do with two tiny tomatoes. It's not as if I can make salsa with them or anything. Maybe I'll just let them sit there until I can once again say that I have tomatoes at Christmas.

And then I'll eat them, because really, I just want to get them off the mantle in the kitchen already.


  1. Tomatoes now are bonus tomatoes. Beth

    word verification-ancedr

    nervous MD

  2. Congratulations on the tomatoes. And, Herry (above)needs to get his/her advertisement off your blog!

  3. Caprese salad?

    Word verification: vidsi -- what you do when you sit in front of YouTube

  4. I finally threw our wrinkly tomato survivors into a soup because I just couldn't stare at their weird looking selves anymore. Though, I did have to dust them first.

    That's not right.

  5. Throw them in soup or stew. I used up almost all of mine two nights ago to make a marinara sauce.
