Friday, August 23, 2013

There Is Something In His Pocket . . .

Confession: I was never an actual Girl Scout. I did Daisies (like preschool Girl Scouts). And Brownies (like the Girl Scouts' little sisters). But I never did the Very Serious Bridge-Crossing Ceremony in which young girls become a member of that august body, The Girl Scouts.

My follow-through was not so good.

Luckily, my older sister was much more ambitious than I and did become a full-on member of the badass G.S. So she could teach me the Girl Scout smile song. Which I still remember. It goes like this:

There is something in my pocket
It belongs across my face
I keep it very close to me in a very special place
I bet you couldn't guess it if you guessed a long, long while
So I'll take it out and put it on . . .
It's a great big Girl Scout smile!

This is an important thing to keep in one's brain for twenty-five years (OH MY GOD, THAT'S A LONG TIME) obviously.

Cubby, Charlie, and I were hanging out in the living room today not doing much of anything, when Cubby announced that he would put the marble he had in his pocket.

So of course I started to sing the Girl Scout smile song, because that's how my brain works. I got to the part about guessing and right on cue, Cubby pulled out of his pocket . . .

Not a smile. A cicada shell*. GROSS.

He would so not make it in the Girl Scouts.

* If you don't know what a cicada shell looks like, please go to this page. That was about the first thing that came up when I searched for "cicada shell." I might have nightmares about that.


  1. Sometimes I wonder what I need to delete in my memory so I can remember what I need to now. I wish it worked that way. Beth

  2. Thanks for the link, but I'm not going to open up anything that's nightmare inducing. There seems to be way too much of that going on around your house on a weekly basis anyway. With that said, still miss not being there.

  3. Ha ha! Our Girl Scouts would have loved cicada shells! You can wear them on your shirt like a pin. And not to be too nit-picky, but Daisies and Brownies are all bona fide Girl Scouts, too. Boy Scouts does it the way you described. Our family has gone through both. Long-time reader, first time commenter.

  4. he would SO make it in the girl scouts.

    where do you think it was i learned to build fires and use an axe and catch and eat grasshoppers and frogs, hmmm?

    certainly not at HOME.

    girl scouts: badass survival training AND fashion tips.

    and yes, i am a first-class scout. back in my day that was the highest award you could achieve.

    *goes back to look at badges*

    out of doors
    emergency preparedness
    social dependability
    the arts

    graphic arts
    outdoor safety
    first aid

    did you know girl scouting has programs specifically for girls with incarcerated parents? they have scout meetings IN prisons.


  5. I used to collect cicada shells when I was little. My prized one was one where the cicada had died halfway through the molting process and was forever frozen with its head and front legs rearing up out of the shell. I remember I kept that one in a little box and even took it to school for show and tell.

  6. Oh, this little biologist! I'm a former GS and leader AND leader trainer. I would adore this little guy. I just know it.
