Friday, November 1, 2013

A.P.D.--The Wretched Weather Edition

We have a high wind advisory today. I saw the wind in the forecast a couple of days ago and thought to myself, "Well, Friday is going to suck."

I hate the wind. Hate hate hate it. Much as I dislike the label "highly sensitive," (it sounds so high maintenance), that's what I am. This manifests itself in many ways, mostly in my reaction to physical stimuli. And there is no weather so unpleasantly stimulating as wind. It's loud. It's often cold. It pushes against me relentlessly. It's like it gets inside me or something and makes me crazy. I feel like the wind is assaulting me and I can't stand it.

I can't escape it by just staying inside all day, because Cubby claims to LOVE the wind. My older child is most assuredly NOT highly sensitive. He actively seeks out stimulation.

We don't mesh well sometimes. Especially when he wants to go outside when it's windy and doesn't understand why I have to come inside after an hour or so. HAVE TO. It makes me feel as if I'm in the middle of a warzone and my insides are spinning around and I'm going to go completely insane if I'm out there one more minute oh my god . . .

Not that I'm dramatic or anything.

I can deal with heat (albeit whiningly). I can deal with snow, with rain, with absurdly low temperatures. But the wind? Forget it. It makes me want to curl up and stay in bed all day.

How about you, poppets? What's your least favorite kind of weather?


  1. Maybe you could shelter in the half-built stone barn while Thomas and Charlie play under the magnolias?

  2. Heat!

    Talk about being assaulted . . . I lived in Oklahoma for 40+ years, where the summers were brutal and long stretches of 100+ days were typical.

    Missouri so much better suits me.

  3. Humidity! I hate it! Mary in MN

  4. Weather isn't a big deal, unless noise is involved. So the wind at your house might qualify. Your description sounds like me and sound. Incessant noise or too loud (and my idea of loud is quiet for many), nonstop television chatter, buzzing electronics, loud phones ringing....the list goes on and on. I get jittery and nervous and stressed. Even a busy, barking, very loud day at work makes me want to come home, sit in an absolutely quiet room and hide. I totally understand where you are coming from!


  5. Unless it's pushing me up a hill during exercise, definitely no wind. There must be a scientific reason for the negative feelings it elicits, 'cause I have problems also.

    The best weather, 70's cool, no sun (unless it's necessary to keep warm), no wind.

  6. Cubby's name is Thomas?

    I love the wind. It puts me to sleep.

  7. Temps above 85 degrees with high humidity. It's the worst, worst, worst, worst.

  8. I hate sunny, hot days when all I want to do is stay in a read or do something quiet. The heat and sun make me feel like I should be outside and being ACTIVE. Like I'm wasting the whole friggin' day being inside.
    Luckily, in Seattle we have few of these days, so it's no biggie.
    So, yeah. Heat. Anything above 75 and I turn into Linda Blair. My head goes all the way around.
    But I LOVE wind!! We had a wind advisory today, too (I think our two states copycat each other a lot) and when I woke up and saw the evergreen's tossing their branches, I jumped out of bed and have been dynamic all day.
