Friday, November 8, 2013

I'm Not Sure How To Take This . . .

Cubby continues to enjoy his time at preschool. So much so, in fact, that he's started going on Tuesdays as well as on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Thankfully, his teacher, whom I like very much, seems to appreciate his more, uh, unusual personality traits. At least I think she does. When I picked him up yesterday, she told me he always has the best ideas*. And then she said, "Sometimes I just look at him and think, 'Is he from the Middle Ages or something?'"


I think that was meant as a compliment. I hope so, anyway. And if it isn't, I'm not going to ask what she meant because I don't want to know.

* She was kind enough not to mention how he tends to be somewhat forceful in his insistence that HIS ideas are the ONLY ideas worth considering. Perhaps she figured I knew about that already. Or perhaps every three-year-old is like that, so she doesn't even pay attention to it anymore.


  1. I'm sure she meant Cubby reminds her of a Knight in shining armor. I'd say it's a don't ask, don't tell remark. Inquiring minds don't really need to know any details.

  2. A teacher once told a group of parents of young elementary students, "I promise not to believe everything your child tells me about home, if you promise not to believe everything he tells you about school."

  3. Having met Cubby's father when he was about that same age, I would say that they are quite alike in curiosity and intelligence! Mary in MN

  4. Would love to know what he said to prompt that one. Wouldn't you just love to have a tape of those conversations.

  5. Oh, the memories. I worked in child care while I went to school for my elementary cert., and I love-love-loved working with 3 year olds. They were so much fun!
