Monday, January 20, 2014

A.P.D.--The Scrubbing Edition

I made an apple crisp for dessert last night. It was a party-sized crisp in a 13x9 inch pan, and so there were actually some leftovers. Miracle of miracles. Only about two servings were left, but at least that's something. The leftovers were put into the refrigerator in the Pyrex pan the crisp was orginally baked in.

Which leads us to the scrubbing part. Because baked-on brown sugar that's been sitting in the refrigerator for 24 hours is no joke in the dishes department.

Now some people would probably soak that dish until the morning, by which point everything would be nicely softened and easier to get off. Not me. I let it soak for the amount of time it took me to wipe down the counters, and then I attacked with the steel wool.

I love steel wool. It allows me to avoid soaking, which I hate. I will scrub a pan until my fingers cramp to avoid an overnight soak. I don't know why exactly; I guess I just can't stand to leave something undone.

Which leads us to the question of the day: Are you a soaker or a scrubber? Or can you actually put something that gnarly in the dishwasher and have it emerge clean?


  1. OMG, I'm a scrubber!

    Not surprisingly, Mr. Mom and my kids are soakers.

    Here's why we don't do it, you and me: It's GROSS. Plus that gross pan just sits in the sink and gets in the way of EVERYTHING.

  2. Soaker.

    I hate the feeling of steel wool. Ick!

  3. soak if i'm not using the sink.

    then that thing goes into the dishwasher.

    in the morning when the dishes are done, any bits that didn't come off are a simple matter to remove with something as light as a green scrubby.

    i haven't been totally in love with steel wool since my dishwashing-as-job days when my hands were habitually covered with cuts like only steel wool can do.

  4. Soaker, all the way.

    Why do tonight what I could put off until tomorrow??


  5. Soaker. And I'd hate to meet the sheep that makes steel wool.

  6. Definitely a soaker--for days, if necessary.

    I've never tried out the capabilities of the dishwasher. I guess I assume it needs me to remove the worst of the stuck-on stuff. Maybe I'm selling it short...

  7. Definitely a soaker--for days, if necessary.

    I've never tried out the capabilities of the dishwasher. I guess I assume it needs me to remove the worst of the stuck-on stuff. Maybe I'm selling it short...

  8. I am Mistress of The Long Soak. I totally don't rinse the dishes I put in the dishwasher. But I know its limits.

  9. I'm still considering the concept of leftovers. Honey, when these boys hit their teens, you'll wonder if you ever in your life knew what leftovers were.
