Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Cross Your Fingers

Or say a rosary or send happy thoughts into the cosmos. Whatever you do to try to force a positive outcome, I need it. I have to take Jack in for another blood test this morning to see if his bilirubin levels are going down. They were a little too high last night when he was tested after his routine office visit, so if they aren't going down, Jack and I will be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the hospital.

That, to state the obvious, would suck a lot. So. Positive thoughts our way this morning, okay?

Peace out.


  1. Fingers crossed! Mary in MN

  2. So sorry to hear this. I"ll be sending prayers your way.

  3. So sorry to hear that this issue is back. Positive prayers to all of you. Please let us know, OK?

  4. Good luck! Jack and his mommy deserve to spend Christmas at home with the rest of the boys.

  5. Good luck! Jack and his mommy deserve to spend Christmas at home with the rest of the boys.
