Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I Can't Stand the Suspense

It is 6:38 a.m. Jack has been up (5 a.m.) and back down (6 a.m.). Charlie has been up (5:10 a.m.) and back down (5:11 a.m., because that clock was not yellow and that kid is not getting up at 5:10 in the morning). Everyone is currently still sleeping.

Both Cubby and Charlie started displaying symptoms of a cold yesterday. Of course they did. School--a.k.a. the Festival of Germs--has started. Charlie's first day of preschool is supposed to be today. Cubby shuffled up the driveway yesterday asking if he could stay home today. Jack was sneezing for most of the hour he was awake this morning.

So, who will go to school? One kid? Two kids? No kids? Is Jack going to be acting sick when he gets up from his entirely-too-early nap? How fun is today going to be?

Stay tuned . . .

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