Current outdoor temperature: 11 degrees below zero
Current windspeed: 19 miles an hour
Current windchill: 35 degrees below zero
Current indoor temperature: 67 degrees above zero, because of . . .
Current working furnaces: 1--HOORAY!
Current children home from school: 2
Current household members sleeping: 3 (Jack, Poppy, and A., who is sick)
Current cups of hot cocoa being consumed: 3
Current number of marshmallows in the cups: 6
Current number of dogs in hibernation mode: 1
I was about to call to see how you were faring--I'm sorry that A is sick and hope that everyone who is awake is enjoying their chocolate. MIL
ReplyDeleteBut did you ever get milk!! Mary in MN
ReplyDeleteMary: Oh yes. Currently 3 gallons in the refrigerator. I wouldn't have made cocoa without it.