Thursday, November 5, 2020

I Know!

Yes, everything looks different here.

Yes, I also hate it when things change on me without warning.

I'm sorry.

But Blogger is the one that changed everything, and they keep pressuring me to change my format, and things are getting kind of wonky in the formatting department here (perhaps you've noticed), so I just did it.

What do you think? Better? Worse? Vote now!

Oops. I didn't mean to use the "v" word. Still ignoring the elephant and donkey . . .


  1. I'm cool with spontanaeity ;)

    Do you want a text/photo/designed-some-way header? I'll make you one if you want. But I won't be annoying about it if you don't. Just say so and I'll use your contact email.


  2. Yeah for Karen. An IT er and helper,good on you!
    I'm cool with whatever you do, I'll still read.

  3. Looks plain, but I come here to read your posts, so it doesn't matter if it's bare bones for the background.

  4. Agree with above comments. I'll still read your posts no matter how the background looks.

  5. Karen: Based on the comments, it appears that SOMEthing designed would be appreciated. :-) No idea what that entails, but if you have ideas, I'm all ears. So yes, please, send me an e-mail. Yay for helpers!

  6. Better late than never, at least with this vote. As I’m a brown person it works for me. Totally know you were anxiously waiting for just my opinion to make your decision.
