Saturday, April 17, 2021

Help Me Make Amends, Please

I forgot about the MiL's birthday on Thursday. Well, that's not true. I actually remembered in all the days leading up to it, and throughout the day on Thursday, but then I was actually working that day and meant to call when we were done with dinner, and then things got nuts, as they often do after dinner, and . . .

Well, these are all just excuses. The fact is, I forgot to call her or otherwise acknowledge her birthday.

So here, publicly, I will apologize to her, wish her very belated but nonetheless sincere birthday happiness, and also ask you to join me in the comments. Maybe if a bunch of people online that she has never met also wish her happy birthday two days late, it will make up for the fact that her actual family didn't.

Sorry, MiL. But happy birthday two days late!  


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday from Dublin, Ireland

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday from St. Paul, MN!
Mary W. (a friend of Mary S.)

Gemma's person said...

Happy Birthday from Southern Indiana!
We are glad you are out there w/o you there wouldn't be A. and Kristin and all the babies.

Karen. said...

Good morning, MIL, and happy belated birthday from south-central Nebraska! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, dear friend! We have know each other for 50 years or so. I cannot imagine life without you! Mary in MN

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday MIL from Colorado!

Lisa said...

Happy birthday MIL! I miss hearing about Blackrock.

mil said...

Thank you all! I note that it's my DIL and not my elder son who is concerned about missing my birthday; there's something so predictable about that scenario. Must be I'm ageless to him --we'll just have to see what he does next year. The actual day was one of deadlines and frustrating web sites, so on the following day, I just relaxed and did nothing useful other than ironing the linens from the Easter table. Gemma, I have a BIL from New Albany, Indiana, so you are almost like family. I hope you are all enjoying your spring!! I hope the Marys in St. Paul are not too far behind us and have some early flowers out.

Gemma's person said...

Honored. 60 minutes from New Albany.

Joellen said...

Happy Belated Birthday from Alabama!

jeanie said...

Late Happy Birthday greetings from the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge. I also miss hearing about you and Blackrock.😊

Deairdre said...

Happy belated from Hawaii! Although I am only visiting and live in Oregon :)

Kate said...

Happy Birthday from Maryland! My grandfather came from New Albany, so maybe we are related too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from PA!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from NH!!

Kay said...

Dear Mrs MIL: Happy Belated Birthday from the Prairie in Nebraska. I hope it was a wonderful day!

Drew said...

Happy Birthday!

Sorry I'm late, it's been a hectic week.

Anonymous said...

Hello, MIL, and a very belated happy birthday to you from southwest Kansas!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, MiL from Maine

Cathy R said...

Happy Birthday, MIL! I make your 100% whole wheat bread recipe frequently and I always am grateful for how well it comes out.