Monday, December 27, 2021

Boxing Day

Americans don't really celebrate Boxing Day as a general rule, but we did this year. And it was funny.

See, one of the gifts my parents sent for the kids this year was a boxing bag and a pair of gloves each. A. used to take boxing lessons and had been meaning to get a bag for a couple of years now. Our covered porch, built by one of the previous owners, has a frame of welded steel pipe that is perfect for hanging a 100-pound boxing bag. 

A. was sick on Christmas Day, so he didn't hang it right away. But yesterday he was feeling well enough to hang it up. On Boxing Day. Ha.

A. gave a quick boxing lesson first.

Demonstrating a basic combo.

I don't think cowboy boots are generally recommended for boxing.

You think this little lady with the unicorn hairbows is going to be left out?

Think again.

I don't know how Boxing Day is typically celebrated in Britain, but here in the Wild Wild West, whacking a giant sandfilled bag seemed appropriate. And fun.


  1. Can I say that "your kind of fun" looks the funnest! :)

  2. Boxing day isn't really celebrated per se in the UK. It's a bank holiday (yay! no work) and we generally use it to visit family, watch TV, go for a bracing walk to work off the Xmas calories or just relax and enjoy the time together at home and make a turkey curry to use up the leftovers.

    I think in the US as Thanksgiving is the bigger holiday by Xmas you guys are burnt out on celebrations a little. For the UK Christmas is the big winter holiday and it's not unusual for companies to have an Xmas shutdown between Xmas and New Year with people using it as an extended period to visit family.
