Short version: Oven barbecue chicken, roasted potatoes, frozen peas, calabaza, chocolate chip cookies
Long version: I took out two of the big packages of chicken leg quarters to thaw, knowing that would be more than we needed for dinner. So when I roasted them, I kept them plain except for salt and pepper, and then added (homemade) barbecue sauce to just about 3/4 of them at the end of the baking. That way I had some plain ones left over for something else.
I had used both my half-sheet pans to make cookies earlier in the day--chocolate chip with crushed almonds--and so I used one of those for the chicken and one for the potatoes without bothering to wash them.
I had also baked one of the big calabazas earlier in the day and pureed it all, so we had some of that too.
And apparently I took a picture:
Short version: Elk meatloaf, garlic bread, mashed potatoes, maple carrots, chocolate chip cookies
Long version: We had some unexpected guests come stay with us, so the plan I had for the leftover chicken was not going to be enough food for everyone. Quick-thawing ground elk to the rescue! Which I used to make the meatloaf.
I let the kids eat the garlic bread while we were waiting on dinner, because we ate later than we usually do and they were very hungry. I had been planning on saving the bread for some other day, but I didn't have any particular plan in mind for it, so it seemed like appeasing hungry children was a good use for it.
The carrots were a bag of the blanched carrots that I stuck in the oven in a covered casserole while the meatloaf was baking until they were soft, then I just added butter and a small amount of maple syrup to them.
And I didn't even have to make a dessert, since I already had cookies on hand. Yay for on-hand cookies.
Short version: Chicken and bean toasted burritos, raw radishes and bell peppers, vanilla ice cream with maple syrup
Long version: This was the leftover chicken I had been planning to use the night before. I just heated it up with salsa and spices, and then made toasted burritos with it, cheese, and canned refried beans.
Short version: Choice of leftovers
Long version: A. and two children had leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes, plus either pureed calabaza or raw vegetables.
The other two children wanted the chicken and vegetable soup I had made on Saturday with the leftover chicken bones and some meat. They also had cheese with their soup.
I had a salad with some leftover chicken in it.
Short version: Lamb curry (with chutney!), rice, peanut butter cookies
Long version: I took out a bag of lamb steaks that came from the back leg. This means they were quite tender meat that didn't need to be cooked a long time. I cut off the bony ends of them and used those pieces to make a stock, in which I cooked the onions, potatoes, carrots, peas, and diced lamb that came from the rest of the steaks. And I always add cream at the end to curry.
I also had some pureed squash in the refrigerator, because our elderly neighbor --the one with whom we had butchered the bull--gave A. an odd squash she grew that she said did really well here.
I pureed the resulting cooked squash, so I threw a few spoonfuls of that into the curry.
And then last time I had cooked split peas, I made a whole pot and then froze some flat in quart bags for future curry-making. So I took some of those of the freezer to add to the curry too. The split peas and the squash thicken it nicely, as well as bulking it up and adding some more flavor and protein.
I am still very pleased to have the green tomato chutney again, even if only about half the family eats it on their curry.
These peanut butter cookies.
Short version: More leftovers
Long version: Two kids had leftover meatloaf in sandwiches.
One had meatloaf with the last of the mashed potatoes. One kid and A. had leftover curry and rice. I had a salad with the last of the leftover chicken in it.
Many containers removed from the refrigerator, which is always nice.
Short version: Lamb and chickpeas, mashed potatoes
Long version: I had two big lamb steaks that I hadn't used for the curry. After simmering those so I could pull the meat off, I combined that lamb with already-cooked chickpeas I took out of the freezer, random pork stock from the freezer, duck stock from the freezer, some whole frozen tomatoes from the freezer, onion, garlic, and yogurt at the end. Plus some cornstarch to thicken it and make it saucy. That's what went over the mashed potatoes.
This is definitely the time of year when I shop my freezers heavily.
No, I did not forget to list the vegetable. I didn't make one. Oh well.
Refrigerator check:
Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?
Fri - ? We had a late basketball game for a tournament, and I know I fed people before I left, but can't remember.
ReplyDeleteSat- more basketball. Snacks/ late lunch. Then fed kids who were at game with me ice cream or milkshake on the way home. People at hone had boxed Mac and cheese and miscellaneous.
Sun- a different basketball day ( 2 special olympics games but in town, so i had no excuse not to cook) fried rice to use up leftover rice in fridge, and up the vegetable usage. Also sone plain chicken, rice, broccoli on the side.
Mon- pasta, sausage, broccoli, garlic bread.
Tues- last basketball game. Teens made chicken strips and fries for people at hone, I made bball player grilled cheese when we got back. I had popcorn at the game.
Wed- I had to work concessions , so boys at home made tacos. Daughter with me had pizza and m&m's from the concessions.
Thu- chicken stew, carrots, broccoli, string beans, mashed potatoes, bread ( I rushed it, so not very good). I try to make up for earlier lack of veggies in one meal. We had leftover cinnamon rolls for snack/dessert. They were excellent.
Stay warm this weekend!
Your basketball season is way more tiring than ours. Godspeed.
DeleteNothing too notable on the menu, but I made an entirely new soup from the nytimes called cabbage roll soup. It is surprisingly good and very tasty--ground beef, onion, paprika, rice, sauerkraut, and water and tomato. It called for canned tomatoes, but I used some frozen tomato sauce. The only trick was cooking the rice a bit with the beef and onions before adding the rest. It only needed to simmer for 15 minutes. Oh, it calls for parsley, too.MIL
ReplyDeleteOh, that does sound good. I like the idea of using sauerkraut instead of raw cabbage.
DeleteFriday-ham sandwiches, frozen green beans from the garden, cream cheese brownies
ReplyDeleteSaturday-chicken fried steak, pasta, broccoli
Sunday-baked beans, cornbread
Monday-leftover cube steaks, baked potatoes, tossed salad with canned beets and leftover green beans
Tuesday-cabbage and potato soup, two muffins languishing in the freezer, cornbread
Wednesday-ham and eggs, oven fried potatoes, salad
Thursday-Mexican turkey (it might be called that because it has canned green chilies in it?), broccoli
Hurray for freezer food and leftovers. No shame in pressing the easy button when needed + there is less waste. Not all leftovers can be transformed into a new meal.
ReplyDeleteMonday croquettes made from leftover mussels and their broth. I put too much water in the batter so I wasn't able to bread them as I usual do. I just deep fried spoonfuls of the batter
Tuesday is my aquafit class, I come back home just before 9 PM so we had an easy dinner of slow-cooked lentils and sausages
Wednesday buckwheat pancakes filled with ham, cheese and braised chicory
Thursday we were out in the town 20 minutes away and had dinner in a small peruvian restaurant, delicious sandwiches and empanadas, and very cheap for us
Friday we helped set up the village party, pizzas were ordered for the helpers
Saturday was a double party: lunch at my brother's for my grandma's 95 birthday party (!) followed by our yearly village party, we always have a traditional potato and leak stew, with "cabbage" sausage, which is donated by every house we visit during the "sausage tour"
Sunday goat tikka masala from the freezer with leftover roti and a salad of diced kohlrabi with mint, garlic powder and yogurt dressing