Sunday, February 2, 2025

Snapshots: A Selfie and Lambs

First up, a rare selfie from the previous week: 

Might as well take advantage of the clean hospital mirror, I guess.

There were no lasting issues from the metal that got in that son's eye, thank goodness.

Next! Spirit week the week of homecoming does not fill me with spirit, because I am really bad at coming up with outfits and costumes for all the children to wear for every theme day. It's like Halloween for a week straight. It's not my favorite.

But this year I did good! I came up with some really good outfits for dress like a celebrity--one son won by dressing like our UPS guy, who is for sure a celebrity here in our remote county--and Poppy won on the day they were supposed to dress like a first responder or a hero by wearing her brothers' old Army uniform costume.

I don't have any photos of that for you, but I do have this one of a child being an outlaw on a totally random day at our house.

Any day is a good day to be an outlaw. As I recall, I got held up for some cookies.

The older boys were gone on an all-day FFA trip the day before homecoming, so I told them I would iron their clothes for the homecoming dance for them. I strongly dislike ironing, so this was a very generous offer for me. 

I used starch and everything.

I was grumbling to myself as I was ironing, but as I told A., I really shouldn't be complaining that they want to look nice instead of slumping around in sweatpants or something.

All the special-occasion clothing last week, plus all the activities that kept me away from home, made me very grateful to have the clothes dryer so I could get laundry done when I needed to.

I have not, however, abandoned my clotheslines by any means, and I was happy to be able to use them this weekend for the laundry that needed to be done again.

Dry clothes in the setting sun.

Another lamb was born on Friday, just in time for the weather to warm up, thankfully.

The two older and bigger lambs on the left, tiny new lamb on the right.

So far, they're all ewe lambs. We have one more ewe that is still pregnant, and we're hoping for at least one male lamb for the freezer next fall. We shall see.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


  1. The little lamb looks so fragile! I hope they all thrive.
    And you look beautiful in your selfie- even if the setting is less than photogenic.

    1. All lambs look that fragile when they're born, just skinny little things with a thin cover of wool. It's amazing any of them survive.

  2. So, if you have no male lambs, it wouldn’t be in y’all’s best interest to use a female for food?

    1. Not unless it's a very old ewe who isn't going to lamb anymore, or a ewe that was a bad mother. Every female has lambs every year, thus increasing the flock or giving us lambs to sell or eat. But we only need one male for the whole flock of females. In nature, most males are extraneous. :-)
