Short version: Vaguely chicken soup, cookies
Long version: I used the chicken bones left from the previous Tuesday's meal to make stock, and then pulled off what meat there was. It wasn't much--maybe a cup and a half. So this was only vaguely chicken soup. Mostly, it was vegetables. I had carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, and at the last minute I added a pint jar of sauerruben (fermented shredded turnips).
The sauerruben was key. It added a lot of flavor, but also quite a lot of body to the soup. So really, this was more of a vegetable stew. I also added some sour cream to make it a little richer.
It was actually really good. The younger two children were the only ones eating with me--the older two were gone on an FFA trip and A. wasn't feeling well--and they loved the sauerruben, too.
A happy mistake by Seeds 'n' Such in the end. And I still have plenty more turnip* seeds to plant this year.
The cookies were just chocolate chip/peanut butter ones, with a little bit of oats added to bulk them up a bit.
Short version: More soup, cheese, biscuits
Long version: Since most of the family hadn't eaten the soup the night before, there was enough for another meal for the four of us who were at home. As long as I supplemented with something else. Like cheese and biscuits.
Remember: Your biscuits do not have to be round.
Short version: Lamb chops, hammy rice, green salad with vinaigrette, cookie bars
Long version: The FFA travelers returned this afternoon, and I knew they would have had their fill of hamburgers, pizza, and gas station food.
Travel food is never the best.
So I made some plain food for them. The lamb chops were from the ram lamb that we butchered recently; the one that sat for some time in A.'s office until we could get around to cutting it up.
That delay in processing turned out to be the perfect amount of time for aging. Everyone was exclaiming about how tender the lamb chops were.
I cooked the rice in some ham stock.
And I remembered in the afternoon that the younger kids had nothing for their school snacks for the week, so I quickly made some cookies. They were oat/peanut butter/almond/chocolate chip cookies. I baked about two dozen as actual cookies, and then baked the rest as cookie bars for our Sunday dessert.
I have the chocolate chip cookie recipe memorized, and I freely add to it as I go, making sure to get the right texture at the end so they aren't dry, so it doesn't take me long to make cookies anymore. Handy sometimes.
Short version: Ham and rice skillet, leftover lamb chops
Long version: I had a small amount of ham from the last time I cooked it that I stashed in the little freezer for a future after-work meal. And this was it. Diced ham, leftover rice, already-cooked onions, green peas, grated cheese.
The lamb chops were for A., because there wouldn't have been quite enough of the ham and rice otherwise, but there was enough for him to have it as a side dish to his lamb.
Short version: Lamb chili, rice pudding, birthday jello
Long version: The birthday boy was sick--with both a bad stomach and throat--so I put off his requested birthday meal and instead made chili with some of the lamb we ground. I don't like ground lamb on its own as burgers or something, but it's good in something highly spiced like chili. You can tell it's not ground beef, but the lamb flavor isn't overwhelming.
One child, after taking a bite of his chili, asked, "Is this really strong beef or really good lamb?' Really good lamb. Also really good chili, which also had two cans of beans; a few cubes of frozen green chili; a jar of lamb and game stock I made awhile ago from the leftovers of lamb chops, grouse, and doves; and some of the giant calabaza I baked and pureed this day.
* When I searched "turnips" in my posts, look what came up from over a decade ago: Tiny boys and Good Old Dog Mia eating raw turnips.