Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Growing Food: Vindication

Remember when I showed you my rutabagas-that-were-really-turnips? 

The roots in question.

Well, I e-mailed Seeds 'n' Such to let them know that they should check into that lot of seeds, as they had packaged seeds incorrectly. I actually received a return e-mail from Kim, who asked if I had a photo of what I grew. Wasn't it lucky that I did?

I sent her the above photo and received a response saying, "I'm not 100% sure, but those look like turnips to me."

Well, yes, Kim. That's what I was saying.

I AM 100% sure they are turnips, but I appreciated the confirmation.

Anyway, she offered to either send me another package of the rutabaga seeds or a refund. I asked for the refund, because I have no confidence I'll get the right seeds this time, either.

And thus ends the saga of the imposter rutabaga.

Also on the topic of growing food: The sauerkraut I put in the crock last week is ready to be canned, but it's going to have to wait. I will not can anything this time of year except first thing in the morning, in order to avoid the heat. But I also need to water my garden, which also only happens (for me) in the cool mornings. Watering takes precedence, so the sauerkraut will wait until tomorrow.

So tell me, my fellow gardeners: Anything exciting happening in your gardens?


Mary W said...

No food gardening this year. I'm growing Japanese indigo for the first time. I used some of the leaves to dye yarn last week (using what I call the sauerkraut method) and had a bunch of stalks leftover. I put them in a jar of water and they sprouted roots. I've planted them in a couple of pots and where I have room in other places. Some of the leaves have started coming back and hopefully I'll be able to dye again in the fall and improve on my technique.

Anonymous said...

I have decided to stick with Harris and Johnny's after some seed failures this year. My cucumbers seem to be flourishing, as does one cardoon that did not get eaten or otherwise discouraged. Mil

Karen. said...

Someone needs to weed my garden. Preferably with Roundup because of the bindweed.

We have multiple mystery failures this year. One row of green beans and one row of wax beans were planted side by side; every wax bean is flourishing, and no green beans even came up. We planted cucumbers and replanted all but two, and the two that came up are the only two we will have. Lettuce, similar, planted quite a bit and got five plants. I have no idea.

Karen. said...

@Mary W, I recently read the book "Indigo Girl" and not only was the book great, but the method of creating dye from indigo ... unbelievable. I almost can't believe someone came up with that.

Daisy said...

Deer are eating my (are you ready for this?) marigolds. Yep. Marigolds are supposed to repel almost any critter, but the neighborhood deer have chopped mine down.