Sunday, July 9, 2023

Snapshots: Tornadoes and Rainbows

Let's see what we have this week . . .

Girl in pasture.

I discovered this year that the big rolling pin my dad made me works perfectly for smashing down cabbage for sauerkraut. Thanks, Dad!

My cell phone started beeping insistently on Wednesday evening, informing us that a storm bad enough to spawn a tornado was tracking right towards us. Our house is a mobile home with additions, so it's not the safest in such a situation. We decided to go over to the old gym down the road, which is solid stone. 

We brought the dogs with us, and watched the storm from the west-facing windows in the gym. It looked pretty ugly for a few minutes there, but a tornado never formed, so we just waited out the rainstorm and then went home.

You can just see poor Odin there, cowering by the door.

We came out to a double rainbow.

Overzealous bell ringing at church resulted in the rope getting wrapped around the bell, so the bell couldn't be rung. A. climbed on the roof of the church to fix it.

Flying high into the sun . . .

Climbing up was the worst part. Once he was up there, he just needed to unscrew the access grate on the outside of the bell tower (is it a tower if it's only five feet high?) and unwrap the rope.

Ding dong bell.

And last, a morning walk.

To infinity and beyond.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Anonymous said...

Glad that all of you are safe! Mary in MN

Tu mere said...

Beautifully green with all y’all’s rain. Guess we always have to take the good with the bad. Glad there was no “bad”.

Anonymous said...

Better the gym than huddling in the mechanic's pit, though in an emergency, that would also be safe. I have worried a bit when the tornados kick up (though up isn't logical) near you.

JP2GiannaT said...

I have questions about adding onto a mobile home. We're seriously considering that at the moment.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

JP2: Well, we didn't do the adding on, we just bought it like this, but the layout works fine. I can try to answer any questions.