Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Score--In Which I Pull Ahead

I made spaghetti sauce with meat yesterday. The meat takes up more room, thereby using a satisfyingly large number of jars. So, using the totally arbitrary and yet endorsed by The Man "one dozen=12" formula, here's where I stand.

Total number of pint jars used so far: 25

Total number of pint jars left to use: 11

Tomato Threat Level: Orange.

I'm winning! I even lowered the Tomato Threat Level because the huge dish pan is only a little more than half full, instead of totally overflowing. So I only have about 20 pounds of tomatoes sitting on my counter right now. Progress.


  1. So 25 + 9 is ... [counting on fingers] ... 34.

    And jars are typically sold by the dozen. And three dozen would be ... [more fingers] ... 36.

    "If Kristin started with 36 jars, and now Kristin has 34 jars, how many jars has Kristin broken so far?"

  2. You have 34 fingers?

    Okay, yeah, so I have 11 jars left, not 9. There must be some kind of wishful thinking going on here when I try to calculate how many are left. It is clear I need someone to add this shit up for me before I post. And before Drew can call me out on my horrible math.

  3. Drew, you big show-off with your fancy math skillz. (I didn't even notice the discrepancies... and I worked in the settlements area of a financial institution for 8 years...)

  4. I've told you once, and I'll tell you again: Use a calculator. Don't feel shame; there's no need to try to add things in your head. That's what a calculator is for!
