Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Score (and My Stupidity)

I did indeed manage to make salsa yesterday without getting hot pepper juice in my eyes, so let's hear it for Kristin's smartnesses! Except . . .

When I first announced The Pint Jar Throwdown, I informed you that the MiL had purchased three dozen jars. Which she did. And as we all know, one dozen=twelve. We all know that--except for me, apparently. In my own, math-challenged brain, three dozen became 30 jars. And that's how I've been calculating the score since then. I am no longer embarrassed by my complete inability to do any sort of math function in my head. I've accepted this defect, because I am so awesome in so many other ways. I may not be able to do simple addition, but do not challenge my freakish ability to remember song lyrics.

So, in the interests of full disclosure, I thought I had better inform you of my stupidness, and take this opportunity to correct the score. Here is the REAL score, based on the "one dozen=twelve" formula. Which is really pretty random, if you think about it. It's just an arbitrary number assigned to a word. And who SAYS that a "dozen" couldn't equal 10? But whatever--I'll follow the crowd on this one.

Total number of pint jars used so far: 17

Total number of pint jars left to use: 19

Tomato Threat Level: Red. Of course.

Que sabrosa


Anonymous said...

Eh, math is overrated.

Do you grow habaneros? If so, did you know you can make your own hot pepper-infused vodka? I'm not much of a vodka person, but I've had homemade hot pepper vodka before, and YUM.

(I also had homemade moonshine once, and...I'm still shocked I didn't go blind.)

Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Canning question: Do you leave the rings on?

When we buy jars, they always come with rings and lids. But I've seen lots of people put jars up without the rings.

Is there some advantage to taking them off, or have people just lost/destroyed rings over time?

Carolyn...Online said...

Your blog is making me hungry.

SaraPMcC said...

Mmmm...salsa. Are you going to make homemade chips with your freakishly tall corn to go with it?
(By the way, you don't need to do any math in your head; that's what calculators are for!)

Kristin @ Going Country said...

J.T.: We have some hot pepper plants in the garden, but they came from a package of seeds helpfully labeled "Hot Pepper Mix," so God knows what they are. Also, they're tiny and not much use to me at the moment. I had to buy hot peppers at the farmers market in town to make the salsa. But at 2 bucks for 8 large peppers, I'm not complaining.

Drew: You have to use the rings to do the actual canning. We take the rings off after everything has sealed and cooled so they don't rust in the Pit of Despair and then fuse to the jar. But if you don't have such a dank environment for storage, you don't have to worry about that.

Sara: No, I'm not going to be making my own tortilla chips from the corn. I'm not that extreme. Or motivated. Santitas work for me.

Carolyn: Hi! I find it hard to believe my pathetic photographs make anyone hungry. I suspect what they really do is make people want to give me lessons in how to use my damn camera already. But thanks for the compliment. And try not to drool into your keyboard--you may short it out.

Sweet Bird said...

If it's any consolation simply math escapes me too. I regularly make minor mistakes like this, much to my husband's amusement. But ask me a birth date, song lyric, any memory in the world, etc. and I'm your girl!

It's me said...

Hey, we've all heard of a "Baker's Dozen"... this is apparently a Kristin's Dozen.

That looks HOT!!! Yikes. And thanks for clearing up the confusion about the rings. I put mine back on but didn't know if it would cause a problem. We have an average of 15% humidty. I hope that'll be ok.

me again said...

If a baker's dozen can be 13, why can't your dozen be 10? I'm just sayin'.
(My word verification is oddly pntsbb -- pints of sumbitchin botanicals??)

me again said...

Lesson for the day: Read the damn comments before you make your own. Or, you look like a copycat. I'm stickin' with great-minds-think-alike though.......

It's me said...

LOL. That made me giggle. I do that all the time and wish I could delete it without people wondering "Why does it say post deleted by owner" and then wondering if the blog owner can read it and think "WTF?"

krysta said...

10 id the new 12!

Sweet Bird said...

I just had an epic thought. If 10 is the new 12, then 8 must be the new 6 and I don't actually have to lose that pesky 10 lbs.

Awesome logic, eh?