Monday, September 29, 2008

THIS Letter's for the REST of You

In the interest of fairness, I couldn't just write one letter . . .

Dear people who read this site and comment all the time:

Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there's no one else above you? You fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness, ease my troubles--that's what you do.

Okay, I'm done quoting Rod Stewart now, for chrissake.

I may have made a sweeping, general statement that "bloggers" are at heart attention-hounds and live for their comments. You can, of course, insert "I" for "bloggers," and then you will have the truth of that statement. What can I say? I'm a youngest child--I need attention. The dogs don't provide enough and I don't see anyone else on a daily basis, so how nice of you to step into the breach.

I LOVE comments, and I LOVE those of you who come here on a regular basis and express interest in this random mess I call a blog. Or at least you feign interest, and that's good enough for me. Many of you have your own interesting, well-written, and generally much better-executed blogs. Some of you have no blog, so I don't know who you are at all (RLS, I'm looking at you). Some of you I know in real life (hi Sara!), some of you I've never met (Jive Turkey, Meadowlark, Sweet Bird, Drew, Finny, etc., etc., etc.), but all of you have amusing and clever things to say, often on a daily basis. And THAT is why I keep on posting this crap day in and day out. Because you read, and you take the time to comment. And that . . . well, that's just AWESOME.

Love you lots,


  1. Aw. Pleasure's all mine, my dear.

    (Incidentally, I am also the youngest. ME! ME! LOOK AT MEEEE!!!!)

  2. Hey, I'm the youngest! I don't think I'm getting all the attention I should be getting. Wow, the things you learn on blogs.

  3. Thank YOU for posting every day so that I have something to read!

  4. i'm the oldest of five and i also need attention...

    right back at'cha kristin.

  5. I'm a "youngest" too, but certainly not the youngest here.

    You make me laugh and you are living the life I would be living if I made different choices years and years ago. Thanks.

  6. Well, we love you too Kristin. And, as another youngest child (especially married to an only child - my god can they be loners!) I completely understand your need for attention.

    When we first married I'd throw myself on the floor like a child to get Husband's attention...worked like a charm. And yes, I know I'm very odd.

  7. I'm a bit behind in my reading - nothing unusual there. Loved the chicken story. You should have a video camera. On second thought, there is the whole mental vision thing that's probably better than an actual picture. You didn't mention if you got your first burn of the year with the lighting of the wood stove. Hope that means everything went without incident. It's good to have A. happy and healthy. OK, do I now get credit for three responses so that I can also feel the love?

  8. I really should probably start my own blog, so that I wouldn't have to leave such LOOOOONG comments on your blog and Jive Turkey's. But I'm both too lazy and too busy to update regularly so no-one would read it, and what's the fun in that?

    I just found out that my niece (9 yrs old) has just started her own blog, and her second entry all about their chickens and other assorted animals reminded me of your blog. She has posted beaucoup pictures also. Check it out - it's very cute.

  9. one youngest to another: brave is what makes us, no?

    your letter moved me, in the way that girls -- with sheep and without sheep -- get moved.

    my suburban just kissed your going country straight on the mouth. because Rod Stewart before he became famous for being "sexy" was in the best band ever.

  10. I'll read your blog as long as you keep writing it! :) I'm the youngest too and yes, I need attention, gimme gimme!!! Lol! My blog has been sorely neglected, at least you keep us regularly entertained and what more could we ask for than that?
