Sunday, March 14, 2010


Now that the nasty stump has been jettisoned, Cubby is allowed to have real baths. In water. Not MUCH water, but a couple of inches anyway. He had his first bath last night. In the kitchen sink. Because that seems suitably old-timey and in keeping with the vibe of Blackrock, doesn't it?

Okay, actually we did it in there because it was warm in the kitchen and we could give him his bath without having to kneel by the bathtub and strain our backs. Because we are eighty years old.


Some friends who have an older son lent us (among many, many other things*) a baby bath tub. It's just a little plastic thing that can be moved around. So we plopped it in the kitchen sink, put a little water in it, and threw in the baby. Well, not literally threw. You know what I mean. I was sure he would scream his fool head off the whole time, because Cubby, as we know, is not shy about expressing displeasure. But apparently a bath is not on his black list. He was surprisingly calm. Until we went to rinse off his head. That, he was not such a fan of. But otherwise, he seemed to kind of dig the whole thing. Which is a relief.

I took pictures, but I'm not going to post them because I wouldn't want any nekkid photos of ME roaming around online. I thought I could at least be discreet on my son's behalf.

He'll thank me for it one day.

* Anyone thinking of having a baby should first cultivate a friendship with someone who already has one. Preferably of the same sex. Hand-me-down kids' stuff is AWESOME.


  1. You were nekkid in the sink with Cubby?

    word verification - lymmater

    well of course a cross between the green thing that isn't a lemon and one of those red juicy things we all can hardly wait till summer for.

  2. Speaking of hand-me-downs ... Our two girls are two-and-a-half years apart. Which is plenty of time for the younger to grow into the older's stuff, right?

    The younger just tried on some capris that the older wore last summer. And they don't fit. She's already wearing the same size shoe as "big" sister, and they have the same waist size. (Big sis is skinny for her height.)

    So yeah, a closet and several boxes in the attic full of stuff that's supposed to go to the younger, and most of it probably already too small.

    Word verification: duckry -- where the quackers are born

  3. My mom always bathed her grandkids in the kitchen sink. Now they're way too big for it, of course, although my niece may still fit; she's tiny. Also, we always laugh at my cousins' baby bath pictures because my aunt always covered them up with washcloths! That's discretion for you!

  4. Drew, I understand your frustration! With my two girls being born in opposite seasons, my issue was that the youngest grew into the hand me down coat in the middle of July and the pretty sundresses at Christmas!

  5. the keeping with tradition! A kitchen sink is so very fitting for the first bath. =)

  6. Best part of bathing the baby: their sweet post-bath baby smell. NOM NOM NOM.

  7. Keep using the sink as long as you can. Once the kid is big enough for the tub you will need a bag full of tub toys. The tub toys are useful distractions while you wash him. It gets better and better and in no time he'll be able to shower on his own!
