Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scatalogical Humor. And a Fish Fry.

Yesterday Cubby went to the pediatrician. I went too, as he has not yet mastered the skill of driving. He weighed in at a hefty ten pounds, which means he's gained two and a half pounds in three weeks. I will take some small credit for this, even though my part is really just to provide access to the milk machines. He does the rest.

He has also grown two and a half inches and was pronounced "perfect" by the doctor. Then Cubby expressed his displeasure at being awakened from a sound sleep by projectile pooping two feet across the exam room. And then he peed himself.

The kid knows how to make his displeasure known.

So, as a reward for his outstanding behavior in public in the morning, we took him on his second non-errand outing last night. You may have thought the first non-errand outing was about as small-town America as we could get.


Last night Cubby joined the family for a trip to the VFW in a nearby village so we could all enjoy their Lenten Friday night fish fry. And just to make the outing even more special, Cubby got to sit in the bar with us while we waited for our food.

Yes, I am that person. The person with the baby in the bar. Does it help that at least it was a patriotic bar with the American flag on prominent display? That's more wholesome, right?



Drew @ Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

You weren't "that person" unless he was crying the whole time.

Word verification: cionk -- sound of a Ferrari's horn

Mayberry Magpie said...

Oh I how miss the projectile poop.


Aren't small town fish fries the best? The last time we went to one, I ate 15 pieces of fish and the firemen said not one word to me.

Alicia said...

Sometimes reading your blog makes me add a year to the "this is how long until I want kids" number. :)

jean said...

As long as you didn't forget and leave him at the bar you at not "that Person".

Anonymous said...

The last time I went to one of those fish frys I was dissapointed. Not real fish , but squares of fish ..aaaarrrgh. I so wanted real fish. I guess I was expecting too much. :( It was a church fish fry and not VFW .
I had to laugh out loud at Alicia's comment about the yrs till she wants kids. Beth You take that baby with you wherever you go...he will feel loved by you. No nannys at blackrock ..unless we count Mia.

word verification - 'cuittic'
where you store your pool table accessories.

Glenda said...

It is OK if it is the VFW bar. That qualifies as an early start on patriotism and appreciating veterans.

Daisy said...

I'm not sure which piece was funnier: projectile pooping or being "that mom" with the baby in the bar!

I just drafted a post about babies in bars. Work It Mom had a feature on the topic, and as a Wisconsin blogger (1 church + 2 bars = a town) I felt a responsibility to respond. :) Not sure when I'll post it, though.

word verification: briclus - lacking the bricks to build a bathtub for projectile pooping.