Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and Me

I slept until 7:15 this morning, which as anyone with a kid knows, is something of a damn miracle. And yet, I did not wake up feeling fresh and rested.

This may have something to do with the fact that it's not even eight in the morning, but is already 76 degrees. But it mostly has to do with the fact that I was digging potato rows in the midday sun yesterday.

The dogs, incidentally, were crashed out in the cellar. Definitely not mad.

I'm not really mad either, except in the irritated sense that the potatoes are STILL not all in the ground. Thanks to all the rain and the unsuitability of soil conditions, I just haven't been able to plant them. I'm about a month behind in getting them in, so now that I can dig the ground up, I am. Never mind that it was 92 degrees yesterday with full sun and Cubby chose to take his afternoon nap at the hottest part of the day; when he sleeps, I dig.

Which is why I am somewhat weary today.

However! I have seven of the ten rows in the main area planted. So three more rows, plus a random patch for the Lehighs, and the potatoes will be all in. Then I just have to plant the peppers. And corn. And squash. And cucumbers.

Maybe I should just go back to bed now.


  1. You need to hire a gardener. Or better yet pay a Jr High school kid to be a mother's helper for a couple of hours after school. Let a kid play with Cubby and tire him out while you work in the garden.

  2. The above comment sounds like a good (nay, great) idea.

  3. I agree with that advice. You get an awful lot accomplished with a toddler in hand and you should be proud of yourself.

  4. I feel behind getting everything in, as well.
    Especially when I look at some gardens further south and they are all lush and growing beautifully - and producing!
    Any consolation? It's 52 degrees and rainy here. June 1st and I'm wearing a sweater.

    rematick - how people from Boston say romantic

  5. So THAT'S where summer is - in upstate NY!

    Because around here, it's raining. Sometimes, it's hailing. And about 5K' north of us, it's snowing. STILL.

    Glad you got your potatoes in and sorry it's getting hot already. Though, with your weather patterns, it'll probably snow tomorrow.
