Monday, August 15, 2011

Sometimes I'm a Little Slow

Please excuse my whinge-fest yesterday. After writing that irritating little pity-party post, I decided the best way to buck up would be to take care of some of those issues. So. I fixed the clogged vacuum cleaner* and vacuumed the nasty floors; cleaned one bathroom; took Cubby out for lunch to get pizza, because we're really all about the nutrition these days; and managed to be sufficiently grateful when the glowering sky produced some much-needed rain.

It wasn't a bad day in the end. Plus, A. got home from his trip (more on that tomorrow) at a reasonably early hour and had dinner with us, so that was nice.

And now, for something that actually relates to the title of this post! So, I have curly hair, right? Really, really curly hair. And it looks like a complete horror unless it has been treated with some hair products to tame the curls. But this must be done while it is wet. If I sleep on it? Looks like crap in the morning.

BUT. Curly hair doesn't need to be washed a lot. In fact, it shouldn't be washed a lot, because it's so dry. And a lot of days, I just don't have time to take a full shower if I need to go somewhere later and don't want to look like a frizzy freakshow. So how do I tame my hair without getting in the shower?

You may be saying to yourself, "Uh. Just . . . wet your hair. OBVIOUSLY." If you were saying that, you are smarter than me.

Why did it take me so long to figure out that if I have an event to attend in the evening and my hair looks like total shit, I don't have to take a full-on shower? I can just wet my hair in the sink and then proceed.

Seriously. Years I've been planning carefully to shower at just the right time so I can make my hair presentable for some event, planning that has gotten significantly more challenging since the arrival of my own personal small dictator. And I have just now caught onto the fact that all I need to do is stick my head under the faucet in the sink, comb my hair, and apply my mousse and hairspray. Five minutes, and done.

Sometimes I wonder how me and my feeble brain make it through the day.

*As I was doing this I was thinking, how gross would it be to do that for a living and have to handle other people's household detritus in their vacuum cleaners? REALLY GROSS.


  1. LOL! I "became" a curly top in my 40's. Hormones? (Is that even possible?)

    I washed and blew dry my straight hair for years but noticed that the last couple of years my hair would do NOTHING but get big and frizzy.

    I finally sucumbed to biweekly washings and letting the "beast with-in" go long, curly and au naturale. I hear ya. Somethings you just have that "duh" moment. Nice blog BTW!

  2. Do you use conditioner when you wash it? That helps mine and it is straight,but dry. It looks healthier after conditioner, shiny and smooth. Beth

  3. It's always the most obvious that gets overlooked. The good news is that you've got many years left to use your new found time saver.

  4. I chose the sink faucet precisely so that a head would fit under it. Nothing is worse than have no place to go soak one's head!

  5. I'm so glad to hear that someone else's kiddo is not saying mama. B/c mine isn't.
    But she DOES say gwa, gwa, gwa all the time. So I've started secretly referring to myself as Gwa.
    I think we're starting a trend, here.

  6. I'm referring to the previous post, btw. Posted to this one.
    Because I have a toddler and it's late and that's the way this game gets played.

  7. Oh, honey. That's what I do every morning before work, because I go to the gym at lunch so I take my full-on shower at noon. Sorry. If I'd'a known you didn't know, I'd'a told ya!

  8. Also there are folks who would tell you that you shouldn't even comb curly hair because it breaks the natural curl and encourages the frizz. Just wet it, put on a bit of conditioner, finger-comb it to get out tangles, and go. I haven't used any implements on mine for about 10 months now and I love it!
