Thursday, April 4, 2013

Let the Light Shine

Quite a bit happened today.

I planted peas (both shelling peas and snow peas).

I hung all of Charlie's diapers on the clothesline for some much-needed solar disinfectant.

I loaded a big pile of punky, rotting wood into the back of A.'s truck, thereby clearing a mess that has been bothering me for over a year now.

The whole family went to the woods with Jodi to see him (and so A. could help him) use the log loader he designed and built*. This involved Charlie and I climbing in the cab of Jodi's truck while A. and Cubby hunkered down in the bed of the truck so we could ford a stream on the farm track that led to the fallen tree Jodi wanted to load. It was about the most exciting thing ever for Cubby.

Cubby helped me dig up, wash, and chop some green garlic from a few volunteer garlic plants I found in the garden. Then we ate the green garlic in corn tortillas with cheese. I took some pictures. They're cute, of course, but what you should really notice--what is really the overriding theme of the day and what makes everything so very cheerful--is the light.

Spring sun is a glorious thing.

Behold, the halo of light crowning my not-quite-saintly child.

Yes, that is a real knife. Any child who can handle a saw can handle a knife, I figure. Plus, he's one step closer to making his own damn food, and that is a worthy goal indeed.

* It was an enormous wooden scaffold thing with a marine winch on it that Jodi designed so it could be put up and broken down with a cordless drill. And so a truck can pull up right under it and the log can be dropped into the truck. It worked really well. I don't have pictures. My bad.


  1. When you live in CNY, you know overcast dreariness is ever lurking and usually manifest so it is well that you are making the most of sunny days!

  2. Every mom knows their own child best. The angel halo shining was delightful. Beth
