Monday, November 18, 2013

The Butter Monkey

Charlie has recently entered The Climbing Phase. It is a phase that strikes fear into the hearts of parents everywhere, because you're liable to leave a room in which your child is safely and happily playing on the floor and re-enter the room thirty seconds later to find that the child has shinnied up the rocking horse and onto the long table, from whence he can reach the quite pointy letter opener that you thought was out of reach.

To use a not-so-random example.

How about another not-so-random example?

Last night I was putting the leftovers from dinner into a container for A.'s lunch and I turned around just in time to see Charlie had climbed up onto the table via my chair. He had taken the remaining tablespoon or so of butter out of the butter dish and proceeded to down it in two bites.

So of course I took a picture, because it was kind of cute, albeit also kind of dangerous and a LOT gross.

Maybe in future I should save myself the effort of feeding him a well-balanced meal and just put a stick of butter on his tray.


  1. It's the indoor sweatshirt that grabs my attention. Getting a bit chilly in your neck of the woods I presume. Charlie must be trying to get up high where he can find more warmth.

  2. Wow, he is moving right along.
    Nothing better than butter , unless it is bacon. Beth

  3. My wife found C a couple weeks ago on a stool, which he had put on top of a chair, which he had pushed to reach something in the way-up-high cupboard that was my last resort for keeping things out of reach. They're smart, these kids...
