Saturday, December 4, 2021

Snapshots: Decked Halls

Yes, I have decorated for Christmas, with my usual flair.

You could say I'm a decor minimalist.

Very minimalist.

I always wait to get our tree until about the middle of December, since it's a real one and it stays up until Epiphany.

Let's see what else . . .

Lately egg-carton ships are all the rage for the boys' unending war games. I appreciate their creativity, but my table always ends up looking like this.


Heating season is definitely underway. I make a fire pretty much every morning. 

The kids all wish we had one of those glass-fronted stoves so they could stare into the flames. We don't, however, so they have to content themselves with short stints of staring while I have the stove open to start the fire.

Very occasionally, if I know it's going to be a warm day and I need to clean the ashes out of the woodstove, I'll turn the furnace on in the morning instead. And then we have this:

A pose specific to heating vents.

We'll close with the traditional Morning Walk Photos.

Winter sunflowers.

And tumbleweeds in the barbed wire.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Anonymous said...

I like your minimal Christmas decorations. My decorations are very minimal, too.
Beautiful skies in the walking picture.

Kit said...

You can really stretch your eyes out to that horizon. I love that.

Anonymous said...

The sky is just gorgeous!

Gemma's person said...

That "natural " wreath on the barbed wire is very nice. The sky, oh my.
Downward turtle over the heat vents. Makes me happy. Thank you.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Linda: There are a few more here and there, but very, very few.

Kit: I do, too.

G.P.: You're most welcome. It makes me happy, too.

Joellen said...

Several years ago my husband and I were in El Paso. We rode way out from town. I don’t remember where we were going. We were on a road with nothing for miles. All of a sudden, a tumbleweed rolls across the road. I was so excited about it and made him pull the car over so I could get out and see it. He said he had never seen anyone so excited to see a tumbleweed. Needless to say I love the picture of the tumbleweed in the fence.