Sunday, February 5, 2023

Snapshots: Slightly Delayed

I'm a bit late posting this morning because I spent all afternoon yesterday staring at this:

Into the great wide open, under them skies of blue . . .

I went to Cubby's basketball game, which was at a school 109 miles away. Yes, three digits. And all but the last 18 miles were on roads that looked like that. Except for on the way back, when they just looked black, because it was dark. And there's no dark like middle-of-nowhere-New-Mexico dark. It was quite extraordinary.

I mostly went so Cubby wouldn't have to sit through the varsity games and come back on the bus at 11 p.m. 

Anyway. I drove over 200 miles yesterday and pretty much went right to bed when we got home, so now I will fill you in on the rest of my week in photos.

Let's go!

Poppy made herself a warm bed in front of the woodstove.

In the earlier part of the week, we spent two days in the middle of a frozen cloud that deposited a thick layer of rime on every surface outside.

It was pretty, but kind of miserable to go out in. This is the morning it finally lifted.

It resulted in a few hours without power on Wednesday morning. It went off just as I was getting the kids up for school, but our school has a generator, so we got dressed and started breakfast in the dark. Hooray for propane stoves that can be lit with a match.

And last, our very dark drive last night was actually lit with a full moon in a clear sky, which was still up when I got up this morning.

Sunrise-tinted clouds and a setting bright moon make for a pretty dramatic morning.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Mei said...

In China, we had many such roads. Very long and boring. I avoided traveling between cities to avoid this.

Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

109 miles on that road should take what, about an hour? Hour-and-a-quarter?

Seriously though, I drove across part of Texas on a road like that, except there was no center line because it had just been repaved. The only markers were the traffic barrels on the side every half-mile or so. Absolutely terrifying.

JP2GiannaT said...

They do look very west Texas...

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Mei: I used to hate driving, but I don't mind driving those wide open roads with very little traffic, especially if I'm by myself.

Drew: Yes, it was fast. I don't find those roads frightening, because there's really no other vehicles. I find the big freeways with all the semis terrifying.

JP2: Or perhaps east New Mexico? :-)