Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Milk Update

Because I can't leave you with yesterday's cliffhanger . . .


I gambled on trying the tiny store in the village yesterday afternoon rather than driving a long way for a full grocery run, and was rewarded with the last gallon of milk they had. So now we'll be okay until A. goes to the bigger town for his hay run on Friday, which he can combine with a trip to Walmart for all the groceries.

Thus ends this week's milk saga. 


mbmom11 said...

But the expiration date is only the 9th! I hope you can use it up before it starts to separate.

Anonymous said...

A gallon of milk only lasts a couple of days in our house, so no worries about that.

Tu Mere said...

Yay for milk and the cool store and owner who runs it.

Lauren said...

I feel like it might be time to buy a milk cow.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Ha. See the previous post for why that isn't happening. :-)