Tuesday, February 18, 2025


We woke up in a frozen cloud again this morning, and everyone's mood reflected it.

I could be projecting, but even the bulls looked grumpy to me.

I got everyone up, fed, and wrestled (literally, in one case) onto the school bus, and now I have a profound disinterest in doing anything further.

It has occurred to me, though, that I can actually just . . . give myself a day off. I don't have to go to work today. I mean, I have plenty of work to do at home, but do I HAVE to do it all?

Nope. I am my own boss when I'm at home.

So, I think in the interests of morale--my own--I'm going to do just the necessary things and then watch a stupid movie or something. Any recommendations?


  1. No suggestions for a movie but in 18 days I will be retired and I cannot wait to be my own boss and give myself permission to not be busy 24/7. It's been a long time coming. Enjoy today doing the things YOU like to do.

  2. One of my favorite movies is Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. We watch that every year on Groundhog Day, and it's snowy and cold most of the time in the movie, so it's very fitting.

    We also love to watch Columbo; it's very cozy and pretty clean, and Peter Falk is a delight.

  3. Paddington! Such a delight for all ages.

  4. Oh, I love Columbo. Murder, She Wrote is good as well.

  5. I looked it up it is called Miss Potter , a delight.

  6. Can’t wait to read what you chose.

  7. Just watched Because of Winn Dixie with the grandkids - great for dog lovers of all ages.
