Sunday, February 16, 2025

Snapshots: Ice and Stuff

I had no memory of what photos I managed last week, so let's just dive right in and see, shall we?

As yes: The incredible layers of rime that formed on everything when we were in a frozen cloud for two days.

Thanks to that frozen cloud, Wednesday started with a two-our delay for school, so I went ahead and made dinner in the morning, figuring I would be at work later. I just used the leftover lamb chili and topped it with cornbread to make . . . chili pie? Is that what that's called?

I don't know. It came in very handy, though, when the power was out at lunchtime and we were all still home because school ended up being canceled. I just stuck the chili pie on the woodstove to re-heat.

Along with, of course, the inevitable water for tea.

I can actually use my propane cookstove when the power is out--I just light the burners with a match, because the igniters are electric--but this was way easier and didn't require me to open the refrigerator door. Hooray for cooking ahead.

Let's see what else . . .

Ah yes, that day when I filled my oven.

Calabaza, banana muffins and bread, and rice pudding.

All the crispy rice treats I made for Valentine's Day at school.

The cool old confessionals in our church. We don't use these anymore because they're in the (small) sanctuary, so confessions would be too audible to anyone sitting in the pews, but they are pretty.

I went to a birthday party for Poppy's friend yesterday and stood by this chips and dip thing for like an hour before I realized it's supposed to be a cowboy hat.

I FINALLY started some seeds: cabbage, kohlrabi, and a few Stupice tomatoes. The tomatoes, amusingly, were accidentally planted in that container with the purple-rimmed plastic cover that used to contain tomatoes. Well, I thought it was amusing, anyway.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


  1. You win the award for best use of an oven. Full to the brim!

  2. Is the stove a convection oven? Mine is a standard and wouldn't cook that kind of crowd evenly.
    Lovely winter shot- pity the rime and fog are hazardous!

    1. Nope, not a convection oven. It's a bit uneven, but seems to work just fine.

  3. I have a dip/chip server similar to yours but it's a sombrero. I'll steal your tiny bowl in the top idea, otherwise it's messy and has to be refilled often.

  4. That picture of your house is incredibly depressing. However, the food pictures make the house seem so warm and cozy. I know that’s not accurate, but it makes me feel better about y’all’s weather. Also, love the picture of the confessional. The wood and details are beautiful. Will have to check it out when next we visit.
