Saturday, February 6, 2010

And What Have We Here?

I just love these mystery posts where I pick out a random, mysterious old photo from my unorganized archives and throw it up here to take the place of actual thought and effort.

So! What will we cull from the past (specifically, from June of '09) today?


It's Rita the No Longer Homeless Puppy! And speaking of Rita, I don't think I told you that she got kicked out of the doggy daycare her doting new owners enrolled her in so she wouldn't be lonely while they were working. Apparently, she was too aggressive with one of the other dogs. It's hard being a rough and tumble country dog in the midst of a bunch of timid city dogs. Those people that run that daycare should come and observe the group dynamics of our little wolf pack here, and then they'd see what aggressive REALLY is. You don't get scars like Mia's by being polite. Polite dogs don't tree raccoons and kill woodchucks. We prefer our dogs to be a little aggressive--they're more useful that way.

Okay, that's about all I got today. Have a fantastic Saturday, poppets. Until tomorrow . . .


  1. Perhaps Rita could be placed in the Blackrock doggy day care center. I hear that they welcome aggressive animals, although they do charge a fortune!

  2. Phooie says Rita.....doggy daycare...who needs doggy daycare anyway.....Rita can take care of her own self. Just give her a deer haunch and she'll be good for a few days. Go Rita, your big bad self.
    word verification ' undrom '
    a good problem ..unlike a conundrom.

  3. Awww. Pictures of dogs are always welcome.

